Sunday, February 28, 2010

fence repairs = fun day at the zoo

The fence in our backyard has been leaning for quite some time. Last night at the last minute, Lance and I decided today would be the perfect day to repair it. Knowing this wouldn't happen with little ones around, I quickly planned a mini day trip.

So this morning, as Lance tackled the project, the littles and I set off on an excursion. One Dora dvd and 2 hours later we arrived at Noonie & Papa J's house full of anticipation for Hudson's first trip to the zoo.

Still a bit shaky from YESTERDAY'S MISHAP, I was apprehensive for what our day at the zoo would hold. Luckily it went off without a hitch. In fact, Hudson snoozed the entire first hour we were there.

This lioness spooked me with her back and forth pacing around the enclosure. Every time she passed the viewing chamber, she would back up right in front of Hudson's stroller and show her teeth. Needless to say, we didn't stay at that exhibit too long. In fact, we didn't stay at any exhibit too long. The little pumpkin's favorite words were, "C'mon Noonie, let's go look at those fishies again". Apparently the koi pond was the most exciting part of the visit today :)

That and this mini merry-go-round conveniently located in the picnic area. Maybe she was having withdrawals from Chuck E. Cheese - the little pumpkin LOVES Chuck E. Cheese! Who knows, but she sure was into this little choo choo ride and made sure Hudson got in on the action too. This peacock sure stole the show! Isn't it beautiful?!
One final stop at the playground... and it was time to say goodbye to our friends and go home. Thank you Noonie & Papa J for treating us to a day at the zoo, complete with a yummy picnic! Thanks to you, the littles snoozed all the way home, making the 2-hour return trip a breeze!

P.S. Grace told me tonight she is already planning her next visit :)


  1. Yay for the Zoo! I love days like that.

  2. Looks like a fun day!!! I love the zoo.


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