Monday, February 1, 2010

hearts, hearts EVERYWHERE!...........{valentine project #1}

There's something about February...

or maybe it's just that PINK and RED happen to be two of my favorite colors...

whatever the reason, I always find myself tackling LOTS of fun little projects during the shortest month of the year.

Last night, a bunch of these from another project ended up like this Aren't they cute?! And such an easy and fast project, too! Here's a little close up: There's just something about little girls in knee socks...even better if those little knees still have a bit of toddler chubbiness :) Speaking of cuteness...a dreaded trip to Walmart for some cleaning supplies this afternoon ended up in the most delightful little surprise. Remembering THIS fun find from my friend Jenn C., I detoured to the girls section, where I stumbled upon this sweet little number with cute little pockets to boot! And for just $6 you may even want to get it in the pink colorway too! Hmmm...maybe another trip to Walmart is in my future. After all, I did forget the dish washing soap :)

And a little sneaky peaky at the other set of hearts I've been playing with...Tell me I'm not the only one bitten by the craft bug


  1. Hey Jessica:
    You did great with the buttons and the socks! I love them!
    I miss, miss, MISS you all so much!
    Make sure to kiss and hug Grace and Hudson for me everyday and tell them that their Noonie loves them A LOT!!!

  2. Those socks are TOO CUTE! Love them!

    I just got your note on my blog, and no, I didn't get that email from you =( I wonder if it went in my spam folder? Could you possibly resend it? I am so sorry! I bought a few little goodies at Hobby Lobby today for his party - but I'm having a Valentine's Day party for my younger daughter next weekend and I have to focus on that first! My mind is spinning with ideas right now!

  3. Hey the buttons,socks and dresses are beautiful thanks for sharing.

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  4. We miss you too Mom!!! Grace keeps saying, "Last morning, Noonie went on a trip, but that's okay, she's coming back really soon...and she's going to bring me a surprise...I wish I could play with Noonie."

    Can't wait to pick you up at the airport next week!! LoVE you!!!

    Heather~ I resent it to you last night as a forward. Let me know if you were able to receive it. Last year we had a valentine's day party for Grace and her buddies. It was so much fun! Can't wait to hear about yours!!

    Shreyas~ thanks for stopping by :)

  5. How cute are those socks? And oh those knees! I should have taken more photos of the girls knees.

    You girls are finding all the cute WalMart deals these days. I wonder if we'll ever get that stuff up here. I keep checking, but it's not in our stores yet. Must bea regional thing. We are still 3' deep in snow.

  6. Wow, Angel ~ 3' still?! I think I'd love it for about a week and then I'd be ready for some warmer weather ;)

    Maybe when it warms up a bit your WM will carry them. The pink and blue colorways made me think of E & A!


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