Friday, February 12, 2010

Let it Snow!

It's not often that we get any snow in the South, so when we woke up to 4" this morning we were ecstatic!!! Lance even tried to wake up Grace before he left for work but my little bear was in hibernation!

When she FINALLY woke up, we bundled up as best we could and headed outside for the fUnNeST 15 minutes of our day! Just 15 minutes because we don't have any snow clothes! We'll go back out there this afternoon and play some more.

The little pumpkin seeing snow for the first time. Hudson's turn! Time to DIG!...yes, with our valentine shovels :) and then show Bruder a little snowball We checked out every little corner... and had a mini snowfight! But the most fun we had... was building... our very own Valentine Snowman!!! Candy Hearts + Valentine Lollies = Super Cute Snowman! And then...

When I went to pick up Hudson after he woke up from his morning nap, this is how he greeted me! Guess it's time to lower his crib! I hope these two are always best buds! Happy Snow Day Y'all!


  1. Great pictures! Wish I had been there with you... for a bigger snowball fight!!!
    I think this is the most snow I've seen in here since we came in 1990. I do remember, though, that one in a March when I made you, Jessica, go outdoors with the red pageant gown, so I could take some pictures. Remember? They were good pictures too!
    Love, Mom

  2. Wow! Looks like you all had a great time. Love the snowman! And that little Hudson is getting SO big! Doesn't he just look proud of himself?


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