Saturday, February 13, 2010

my cute little schoolgirl

First, let me say that although her ear is still hurting, the little pumpkin does feel a bit better this morning! Yea!

Thursday was Grace's valentine party at school and she looked so cute dressed in her pink and red I just had to snap a few pics right before school...after all, you never know what they will look like when you pick them up!!! :)

So excited! Dreaming about bon bons I think! One quick hug for Valentine the Lion. She l-o-v-e-s him, Tio Pedro & Isa! Thank you so much for all the sweet gifts you sent with Noonie! Let me grab my purse and I'm ready to go! The little pumpkin had such a great time and was in THE best mood when I picked her up early, right before nap time. The teachers told me the kids loved their rIcE KriSPies PoPS during the party which made me so happy!!! Every day when I pick her up, Grace likes to sneak a little hershey's kiss from Mrs. Cheryl's bowl. This girl loves chocolate. Hmm...wonder who she takes after?! When we got home, she wasted no time checking out all the valentines from school. She loved this butterfly! So cute! Opening her valentine card from Noonie & Papa J. The little pumpkin loves to get mail, can't you tell?! Stickers! Yea!! Hope you're having a sweet Valentine's Day weekend!

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