Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the ugliest 6 letter word

Before sharing with you a little birthday loveliness (separate post), I must tell you my heart is heavy tonight. I keep thinking about little Layla Grace (see HERE and HERE), sweet Kate (see HERE), and so many others big and small who have been affected by cancer, the ugliest 6-letter word. It's so hard to understand why things happen like they do. I have to remind myself often that it's not always our job to understand but simply to trust. Easier said than done.

There's a book that I consider a must read - Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a Life Fully Lived. You can find it HERE. I've read it many times and I always walk away with something new. Beware it's a real tear-jerker but such a wonderful, important message.

My mom got it for me a long time ago - I think I was in college. I'm so glad I read it for the first time BEFORE I had children. I bawled. Then I read it again when I was pregnant with Grace...yea, probably not the best idea. I was already hormonal and scared about the pregnancy since we'd just had the miscarriage. But even then I walked away with a sense of appreciation and feeling humbled beyond words at the courage so many show in the face of adversity.

Please pray for Layla Grace, Kate, and if you find it in your heart, please pray for a dear friend of our family that will be undergoing surgery tomorrow to remove a cancerous breast tumor. Pray that God will guide the hands of the surgeon to remove all of the tumor and that it will not have spread beyond the lesion in the scan. I know all too well the scared and nervous feelings of undergoing a lumpectomy and my heart just hurts seeing a loved one going through that.
Thank You!


  1. Praying for your friend and of course sweet Kate and Layla Grace.

  2. I have cried so many times over sweet Kate and Layla Grace. Cancer has taken so many people in my own life - I hate it. I will certainly pray for your friend.


  3. Thank you both for praying! She just came out of surgery about 45 minutes ago. Still have to wait for the official pathology report, but the unofficial report is that it was NOT in the lymph nodes!!! Yipee!!! So happy! She will still need radiation, but this is such good news! Thank you again for praying!

  4. My prayers are with you and your sweet family. I'm glad that HANNAH'S GIFT has been a source of reassurance to you. <3

    Maria Housden (Hannah's mom and author of the book)

  5. Oh, Maria! Thanks for stopping by!

    Through your beautiful account of Hannah's journey I feel like I knew her personally. I think of her often and of her courage in the face of adversity. Every time my little pumpkin wears sparkly shoes I think of your sweet Hannah. My best friend lost her second daughter at 20 weeks when she was born prematurely and only lived for a few hours. She named her Hannah. I gave her a copy of your book shortly after Hannah's passing and she said it brought her comfort in ways others could never understand, especially the part about how to answer the Q, "How many children do you have?"

    I can't imagine what you went through but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story with the rest of the world. Hannah was a special little girl and God has used her magnificently to reach so many others.

    God bless you and your family!


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