Saturday, April 10, 2010

a little POP of red............................... {Grace's Vintage Inspired Room - II}

Things don't stay the same around here for too long. I'm always changing, tweaking, adding...the little pumpkin's room is no exception.

Remeber how it looked HERE? Well, I've added a few fun details...Come take a look!

I love hand embroidery and lately I've been seeing the cutest embroidery hoops with decorative fabrics on etsy, where I found these that along with the "G" from this bookcase became this sweet display! I love how it brings out the reds in her valance. And at $10 for the set of 3 hoops - fabric included - it sure beat the sconces I've been holding out for to frame either side of the mirror. The little pumpkin just loves that there are three "circles". She's very much into the number 3 right now!

Another little project completed. Remember THIS sweet hankie? Well, I framed it in a cute square frame and hung it right above her pink clothes rack that holds all her cute bags. Isn't it sweet?

The clippie holder I made her HERE, found a new home right below her bookcase. It's hung at her height and Grace just loves picking out her clippies every day. So that's it. Little pops of red here and there. It's a happy room fit for my Pumpkin Princess Ballerina - Grace just giggles when I call her that!


  1. Love it always but I am really loving the framed hankie! Your comments on the doilly has had me thinking ever sine I read your ideas :) Still thinking though...hehe.

  2. So cute. That little one obviously has a mother who adores her. Usually at this point in my comment I would mention something that I particularly loved in the post, but that's impossible this time. It's all ADORABLE!

  3. I LOVE red & turquoise together! The valance is so cool!!

  4. I just went back and "toured" Miss Grace's room for the first time before reading this post. Jessica, you are so so talented!! I wish I could hire you to come decorate Molly Grace's room! I love everything you have done with it. You are a creative inspiration to me! I'm glad I found your's so happy and uplifting!

  5. Awww...thanks ladies! I find myself adding bits of red to Grace's room anytime I can!

    Amber~ Can't wait to see what you decide!

    Suzanne~ you are TOO KIND! Thank you for your sweet words - you made my day!

    Heather~ Isn't that the best color combo??!! By the way, I L-O-V-E your little one's Dorothy party. I'm filing that one away in my idea file :)

    Mary Beth~ If we lived closer I would definitely love to help you with MG's room - I love decorating!! Thanks for your sweet comment. I'm glad you enjoy my blog!

  6. I LOVE all the changes you've made. You have such a knack for this. What a blessing you are to your family, to make their home such a beautiful place. You are truly inspiring.

  7. Beautiful room! WE love all the vintage details!

    Team Craftwell

  8. I absolutely love what you have done with your daughters room. I have been looking for inspiration for my 3 year old's "big boy" room and I love the embroidery circle and fabric idea and also what you did with her quilted valance in the window. Keep on inspiring!

  9. Great things which can have all the new and great strategies out to be having all the specific ideas.
    Alia Sharma


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