
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week at Grace's MDO/preschool. I was honored to coordinate it and had lots of fun thinking of creative ways to thank the five amazing teachers and one wonderful director that take care of 37 wiggly little bodies every week.

We collected donations from each family in order to be able to provide a catered lunch each day, small daily gifts, and a nice thank you gift to each teacher on the last day which was today. Parents signed up to bring breakfast, fruit, dessert, and drinks each day. I was so very excited that 100% of the families participated. I think it speaks volumes as to how we feel toward these amazing ladies!

So now that it's over (and no one can sneak a peek - tee hee hee) here's what we did:

MONDAY - "A teacher can't live by apples alone, she needs hugs too!" When I was planning the week I remembered a conversation I had with Cheryl, the director, where we laughed at all the apple-themed stuff teachers get in a lifetime, so I thought this was a cute way to poke fun at that {idea for tag line via here). The little vinyl containers came from the dollar section at Target a while back (sorry!), but you can find all sorts of cute containers there and at Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, Dollar Tree - anywhere!

TUESDAY - "Thank you for being so berry sweet to our kids!" My co-chair helped put these together - aren't they cute? Thanks Hallie! We went with berry-scented lotions from Bath & Body Works to play up the theme.

One of the other moms and I also baked cookies because who doesn't love fresh-baked cookies?? ;) I found these cute paper bags at Michael's - lovin' the polka dots! - and used them for the cookies. I took advantage that I was baking and made an extra dozen for an employee that just bought a new house. And then just added this sentiment (by the way, you can make really cute printed tags for all of these but unfortunately our printer was on the fritz, so I just wrote each tag by hand).
WEDNESDAY - "Thank you for helping us become sharpies and smarties this year!" Here's a close-up: The jars came from Michael's (plastic sorting jars in the scrapbook section, 3/pack) and then I just filled them up with smarties candy and tied on some fun-colored Sharpies. Okay, so you can learn from my panic-stricken moment late one night...Target does not sell smarties. Walmart does not sell smarties. At least not ours. Thank goodness a last minute thought to check Dollar Tree yielded the prized smarties! Whew!
THURSDAY - "Thank you for helping our kids GROW in God's love." This was probably my favorite just for the sentiment. I purchased potted geraniums (PINK of course ;) and added the little tag on a baker's lollipop stick. Sorry these pics have such terrible lighting. I took pics LATE each night as I finished the gifts.

And then for their end-of-the-week gift, we were able to purchase Spa manicure/ pedicure gift certificates for each teacher. A little pampering treat for our teachers who give so much of themselves to take care of our little ones. So that's it! I think our teachers enjoyed all the little treats and the wonderful food. I had fun putting it all together. And just so you know, I did NOT come up with all the sayings myself, I did lots of lookin' via blog hopping off of Tip Junkie and then tweaked it a bit to fit our needs. Check Tip Junkie out - there are some fun and creative ideas out there!

And mostly, just let your children's teachers know how much you appreciate them. A good teacher makes such an impact in a child's life. I should know! My 4th grade teacher Sister Georgine and I corresponded until the day she passed at 98. I still remember how proud I felt of the "penmanship awards" she used to give me. Send your teachers a little hand-written note and just love on them.

THANK YOU Mrs. Cheryl, Mrs. Sharon, Mrs. Laura, Mrs. Veronica, Mrs. Maria, and Mrs. Patti for lovin' on our sweet kiddos as if they were your own. You are one amazing group of teachers!

May God bless you as you've blessed our little ones by your guidance and love!~Jessica


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Heather L. said...

Great stuff, Jessica! I will have to copy some of these in the future. My favorite is the Sharpies and Smarties - very clever!!!

PS - Emmy's favorite candy on EARTH is Smarties - I buy them at the grocery store for her, but I guess I've never checked Target or WM. I can totally see that being me running around crazy trying to find them LOL! Been there before, for sure!!!

Amber said...

I LOVE it all!!! I tried to pick my favorite....but I can't....hehe. Sister Goergine was right....your penmanship is great!!!

TaDa! Creations said...

You are a-mazing! I bet those teachers feel so appreciated after all that love you put into everything. You handwriting is as gorgeous as always. I enjoy all the little notes you've sent me and have saved every one. They'll be going under the glass on my sewing desk soon. :)

Holly said...

Oh wow! Too cute! I LOVE all those ideas! I wish I taught at your school!

Claire said...

Those gifts are adorable!


DeeAnna said...

Loove your penmanship, and thoughfulness! I was a teacher and can tell you that hands down, my favorite gift was a thank you note from a parent or a student. Oh and Starbucks gift cards are nice also!! The teachers at your school are lucky to have you!

Beth McC. said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! SO CUTE!! I lvoe all the color!

Your blog is PRECIOUS! Consider me your newest follower!

Happy FRiday!

Moe said...

I found your blog via Kelly's Korner and just wanted to say you are SO amazingly creative!!!!! Talk about inspiring! :)

momMYsliceoflife said...

These are some of the cutest ideas I've ever seen!!! I'll be using them for sure! Thank you for sharing!

Jessica said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments on the teacher gifts and on my blog!! (*blush*) and WELCOME new readers!!! So glad to have you visit :)

You guys made me giggle about the penmanship. I remember a teaching in elementary punishing me for not writing in cursive. I DID know how, I just didn't choose to! I'm so glad I stuck to my guns because I do prefer my kindergarten print :)


Jessica said...

LOL that should say "a teacher" not "a teaching"! Penmanship may be okay but maybe I need a refresher on grammar :O

Veronika said...

Just stopping in from Kellys Korner. What great gifts! A lot of thought went into them & I am sure they were all much appreciated :)

Jessica said...

Thanks Veronika!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I came over here from Kelly's blog looking for ideas for teacher appreciation week! Thanks for this inspiring post...I'm going to copy a few of your ideas--the cookies and the lotion!

Awesome job!

Brittanie Gordon said...

This is my 2nd or 3rd visit to your blog and I just wanted to tell you how obvious it is that you are such a caring and wonderful mom/person! Some of your things are just SO sweet and heartfelt!

Jessica said...

Awww...thank you Brittanie!! You made my day!

My Pigeon Pair said...

WOW! These ideas are amazing! I have been following your blog for quite a while now! So inspirational! I finally found a reason to use some of these ideas I have used them as inspiration for my Son's Teachers for World Teacher's Day...I posted on my blog and I have told everyone to blog on over and check out Little Pumpkin Grace!

Jessica said...

Hi, Larissa,
Thanks for the link! WOW, I love how yours turned out!! I love that you used jelly babies and I love that your son snuck a few and ate them! he he he Super cute!!!

Teresa said...

Hi Jessica,

I know this is an old post but I thought I'd let you know I was just asked by a friend for ideas of what to give her little boy's kindy teacher as an end of year thank you - I directed her straight to this post for plenty of inspiration!

Jessica said...

Awwww...thanks Teresa! :)

Liz said...

Hi Jessica,
I’m the Director of Digital Media at Smarties Candy Company. I LOVE your Sharpies & Smarties post! So fun & creative :)
We would like to share it on our social networks (crediting you and linking to your site, of course). Would this be OK with you?
Kind regards,

Jessica said...

Hi, Liz,

CERTAINLY! I'd be honored!
Thanks so much,

Unknown said...

SO CUTE! Found you through Pinterest! :)

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Ginny @ said...

Thanks so much for the great idea! I featured it on my blog:

Jessica said...

Oooooh, so fun! Thanks!

Ray said...

You are so creative! I hope to have a principal position next school year and some of your ideas could be incorporated as gifts from a principal. : )

Unknown said...

OMG'sh LOVE LOVE LOVIN' it!!!! Very creative to do this!! There is a very special teacher my daughter has who goes above and beyond the call of duty for a teacher! WE love her, and This will definatly make her believe she is worth all the "sweets" n the world!! Thanks for posting!

Barry and Cheryl Holmes said...

Hello- I was looking at your site from Pinterest- we have the same number of teachers, about the same number of students- and I am the director- and my name is Cheryl! Our teachers are precious to us too- thanks for the ideas!
Cheryl Holmes

Barry and Cheryl Holmes said...

Hello- I was looking at your site from Pinterest- we have the same number of teachers, about the same number of students- and I am the director- and my name is Cheryl! Our teachers are precious to us too- thanks for the ideas!
Cheryl Holmes

Megan said...

I love your ideas for teachers. What a great blog!! Thank you.

suzi said...

These are really cute ideas. I just have one constructive critical remark. When addressing an entire family, it's simply plural, not possessive. So the tag to the Joses should read: To: The Joses, not Jose's.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Again, GREAT ideas, and very thoughtful.

Jessica said...

Hi, Suzy,
Thanks for the grammar lesson!
Yes, it was an honest mistake and I've since corrected it in more recent posts.
Glad you found some teacher appreciation ideas...we can never thank teachers enough for how they help shape our littles.

Amanda Brown Mcclure said...

These are great ideas and i will be using most of them...thank you

crowellPTOmoms said...

This is wonderful..I had a fellow PTO mom bring this to my attention. I can assure you that some of these will be used, thank you

Cbinan said...

love love love this! Thanks!

learningmyself said...

So sweet!! I'm glad to see that parents still appreciate their teachers!! Your child's teacher is lucky to have you as a parent!! Great ideas!

HeidiAdeleSnyder said...


talha said...

These ideas are precious, thanks for that informative sharing.

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Stacy said...

I love the saying that you used for your potted plant so much! We're doing the same thing for our preschool teacher, except each family in our class is buying her a gift card, which we're sticking on floral card holders and putting in the plant.

Stacy said...

I love the saying that you used for your potted plant so much! We're doing the same thing for our preschool teacher, except each family in our class is buying her a gift card, which we're sticking on floral card holders and putting in the plant.

LifeinPix Photography said...

we got Smarties from Michaels in the check out "impulse buy" section. I bunched tissue paper into the jars, and then put 3 sharpie pens, and a handful of smarties in the jar. We added the "thanks for making us sharpies and smarties" card to the top. Very cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing your lovely ideas!! I made my own variation of the 'Sharpies' and 'Smarties' jars and linked back to your blog.

My kids are super excited to give them to their teachers tomorrow! Thanks again!! =)


Dany@ Tiny Tots and Polka Dots said...

New follower from You have so many CUTE ideas! The "A teacher can't live by apples alone, she needs hugs too!" gift inspired me for my aunt's mother's day gift. Thanks! =)

Muhammad Atif said...

These ideas for teacher's day gifts are mind blowing.

mkgraspa said...

Genius! WIsh I would of seen this earlier! Would of loved to do a few of these things for my daughter's teachers.

mkgraspa said...

Genius! WIsh I would of seen this earlier! Would of loved to do a few of these things for my daughter's teachers.

mkgraspa said...

Genius! WIsh I would of seen this earlier! Would of loved to do a few of these things for my daughter's teachers.

Anonymous said...

These are great thoughts! As a teacher, I must second that gift cards are the most appreciated. No more apple crafts. Most of the items listed here are creative and useful.

Unknown said...

I love this idea! I made this for my daughter's elementary school teacher and I posted a link to it on a list of gift ideas on my blog. Thanks!!

Janeen said...

You are amazing thank you so much for taking the time to share such beautiful ideas.

Denise said...

I love the smarties and sharpies, I am curious, how did you attach the the ribbon or the jar? Thanks!

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siska said...

I LOVE it all!!! I tried to pick my favorite....but I can't....hehe. Sister Goergine was right....your penmanship is great!!!
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