Here we are in "the fields" with our shopping buggies - the standard in Canton. People really have their buggies all decked out, custom liners, drink carriers and all sort of attachments. My buggy - not so cute.
Canton also has a lot of what I consider County Fair food, you know funnel cakes, cotton candy, corn dogs, nachos - junk food. Even turkey legs. For some reason turkey legs gross me out. I can't stand to see folks walking around chomping on a HUGE turkey leg - ewwww. But this little food trailer was too cute not to take a picture!
Oh my goodness, we had so many laughs in Canton. Canton is very pet friendly. You see people with their pets all over the place. You even see people carrying their dogs feeding them ice cream cones :O
The funniest thing we saw was this big & tall guy carrying his teeny tiny dog in a baby bjorn!!! HA HA HA HA HA So wish I would have taken a picture :( The poor dog had his two front legs sticking out the top where a baby's arms would be and his two back legs dangling out of the leg holes. I won't tell you what else was sticking out - ahem, you can use your own imagination. Poor dog looked so miserable.
And the best part - all of our loot! Some of my favorites...
A rocking horse!!! Yay! I really wanted to find one and I DID...for $20 buckaroos! And Heidi got that sweet outfit for Ella Kate, her youngest daughter. Too cute!
Quite possibly my favorite find from the whole day...a perfectly sweet vintage baby buggy...aqua blue at that!!! I see a photo session in my near future :) Sweet linens and a chenille blanket. I also found some fun oilcloth that will soon be turned into a fun little project for Hudson's birthday. Can't wait to show you!!
And even a fun choo choo! Another $20 deal. I heart Canton.
I found the choo choo before I found the horse and the buggy. Heidi convinced me to get it and I'm so glad I did. Both the little pumpkin and Hudson LOVE the choo choo!
Some of Heidi's goodies... We went back for those boots 3 times!! I'm so glad she got them - they are so fun! And she got them for a great deal too!
And a fun little ride-on horsey too! Between the two of us we had so many ride-on toys that we got asked over and over if we were photographers. Nope, but we sure have a lot of fun props now!
And while us mamas were having fun in Canton, our kiddos were having fun with their daddies and grandmas. Thank you Lance and Brian for watching the kids so we could go exploring!
We can't wait to do it again in the Fall!!!
What fun finds!!! Can't wait to see the oilcloth project and pictures of sweet Hudson on the horse! Sounds like a fun place to shop :)
Love all the treasures that you two found !!! I'm glad that you had a good time.
Love, Mom
Looks like so much fun! We always do a "show and tell" at our house after a great shopping trip; thanks for sharing (:
Wow, you got some great stuff!!! Love it all!
Oh my gosh you cleaned house! What fabulous finds!
Wow! Great job! I just love Canton! And, I think turkey legs are SO GROSS too! I always thought I was the only one :)
Wow! Great job finding all of those fun things. I wasn't that good at it when I went.
What awesome finds!! I'm warding off some jealousy here ;) Looks like you guys had a BLAST!!
Awesome funds! Now that's the kind of flea market I wish we had up here. So glad you had a fun week-end! Can't wait to see your photoshoots.
It IS such a fun place! If you ever have a chance to go, DO IT!!!
I'm not one to talk $, but to give you an idea what great bargains they had, here's what I got:
choo choo
rocking horse
baby buggy (L-O-V-E!)
white wicker purse
8 yards of oilcloth
2 play mats
wire locker basket
chenille baby blanket
2 hand embroidered tea towels
and lunch for 2
for $150!!!
Time spent with BFF = priceless ;)
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