Thank you to those that have sent sweet messages! I will post your information in the giveaway as soon as I receive the details.
Even though my mind is full swing into back-to-school planning, fall projects, and a few other what nots, I can't help but cherish these last few weeks of summer!
HOT, HOT, HOT here so we've had to add some "inside fun" to our days. This past weekend the little pumpkin and I were able to spend some girly time at a bounce house birthday party for one of her little girlfriends from school while Hudson & Lance got to hang out.
I love the conversations that happen during one-on-one time!Grace: Mama, do you love this snap bracelet? I do!
Me: It's pretty cool!
Grace: Yes, it is. It's the best. You need one for your next birthday. I'm going to get you a pink fuzzy snap bracelet for your birthday.
Me: That's sweet of you.
Grace: Yes it is
(guess we need to work on modesty, huh? :) It goes POP! when you snap it. Like Pop Rocks. Mama, you want Pop Rocks for your next birthday too?...
Oh, how I love this little girl!
I can't pass by a
LeMoNAde StaND and not stop, so when we spotted one on the way home we quickly made a U-turn. The kids were SO excited! It was their very first lemonade stand and they were so happy to have customers!
This is what summer is all about, don't you think?
And when we got home, this little fella was ready to play!
He is 100% boy! I had no idea the differences were so evident even this early on. He doesn't like to sit down even for a minute - he's always ready to move on to something else.

He likes to play rough. And bang on stuff. And climb.
And play ball.
He likes to take these little puzzle pieces...
...and RUN!
And if someone is chasing after him...
...even BETTER! 
DOES NOT like to be confined in any way. Hates the pack-n-play. Hates diaper changes. Has broken more stuff around the house in his 13 months than the little pumpkin has in her 3 years.
Has the sweetest "I just did something I wasn't supposed to" face. Gives the best late night cuddles. I
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this boy and I'm so glad to be able to experience raising both a girl and a boy.
Thanks to Mimi & Pop we were able to squeeze in a little grown-up time Saturday night. One of the ladies I work with was hosting a surprise 80th -
yes, 80th! - birthday party for her husband. He had no clue and it was so sweet to see his reaction when he walked into the room! I hope we have this couple's energy and devotion for each other when we're their age!

We had a great time listening to the band, savoring the fish fry dinner, visiting with coworkers, and enjoying the sunset boat ride around the lake.
Happy 80th Birthday Mr. Paul!
Hope you're squeezing every drop of fun out of these last few weeks of summer!