
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Busy Bee

Wow, what a couple of crazy days! We've been going non-stop! I'm knee deep making & filling birthday hat orders but I have to show you a fun one I just finished for a sweet soon-to-be two year old who is having a farm birthday next weekend! Her sweet mama, my friend Amber, has already seen this so I can now share it with you: I think Miss Reese is going to like it, don't you? ;)

In the middle of all that, we spent a fun evening at the Skating Rink Thursday night for my goddaughter Madeline's 7th Birthday! Time just flies, doesn't it? I remember holding Madeline just moments after she was born and here she is now about to be a second grader! Sadly, I didn't get a good picture of Madeline - she was out on the rink having fun with her friends and I was wrangling a certain little one year old who wanted nothing more than to be out on the rink in the middle of all the action. See that picture above with all the kiddos? Grace is on the far left and Madeline is on the far right in the back row. Want to know what else? This was taken moments before the little pumpkin became H-Y-P-E-R! And I mean HYPER! Little did I know that the skating rink served SODA along with pizza to all the kids. Grace gulped it down - her first time to drink an entire glass of Coke. She was all over the 8:00 PM...even more "animated" than usual ;)

We even managed to squeeze in a playdate Friday afternoon with my friend Bridgette and her little boy Hayden who is as sweet and cute as they come. Grace & Hayden really could be twins! They're the same height, same blue eyes, and anytime we meet up they're dressed alike - unplanned! They even have the same reaction to the, check it out for yourself: Grace & Hudson had a blast checking out Hayden's playroom in their new house. But the funniest moment to me was when Hudson crawled over Hayden trying to reach his Thomas the Train table and Hayden yelled for his mama saying, "Mama, there's a baby in here. Get it! Get it, mama!!!" HA HA HA

Thanks for having us over, Bridge!


Amber said...

Yea!!! Love the hat :) Thanks so much fo rmaking them even though you are so busy!!! Now I need to get started on Grace and Hudson's gift :)

I use to love to roller skate but I doubt you would catch me on them now :) Love the soda hyperness :) Reese and Grace would get along so well :)

Love the "get it out" are just so funny!

Brandi said...

You are sooo gifted. Do you sell the birthday hats????

Jessica said...

Amber~ I'm so glad you like it! Wait till you see the coordinating ones for the rest of your party guests!!

Brandi~ I do! Email me if interested :)

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