Anyhow, off my tangent. It's 12:35 a.m. here and I'm doing laundry. Yes, laundry. I'm uploading about a million pictures of Grace's resells to my other blog (everything should be up in the next couple of days). I figure I might as well make good use of my time.
Here are two things you probably don't know about me:
1. I like doing laundry. Weird, I know. Folding - not so much. I can't stand to let it pile up and I have to do it a certain way (OCD ?) so I have to get to it before the sweet hubs gets to it first with his all-in-one method :) I even like ironing...
2. I don't like touching uncooked meat, poultry either. YUCK! Necessary evil. I realllllly don't like to touch ground beef. Makes me squirm thinking about it.
So.......what to do, what to do. We were having meatballs & mashed potatoes for dinner, inspired by THIS recipe. So....I enlisted the help of a certain little someone who loves to help me cook! HA! Perfect! For the record, no child labor here, I dug into that bowl right alongside her.
I let her crack the eggs - which she loves - and she asked me, "What kind of cupcakes are these?" Bless her heart. I guess we bake
A LOT around here!

If you have a thing about beef like I do, sorry for all the yucky uncooked ground beef close-ups! :)
Can you come do my laundry? Haha! What is your other blog's URL? I would love to look at resells for a little pumpkin "Gracie" of my own :o)
I totally agree on raw meat!! Chicken espcially! It never really bothered me until I was pregnant with Reese, but now I can't stand touching it.
Yea for resell time :)
This post is FABULOUS! Scott can't stand it when he comes in from work and see me handling raw chicken. Were having meatloaf tonight and maybe I should let my girls help. One of my first memories in the kitchen is squishing burger meat for meatloaf. Grace will remember that forever. You were brave to let her crack that egg! Lily has been begging to do that, I guess I should let her start practicing.
I am a vegetarian (so is Emily) but my hubby, Lindsey and my stepsons are BIG meat eaters. I struggle every time I have to touch raw meat - yuck!!!
PS - I'd love to know your other blog's addy, as I have a few friends with little girls who might be interested in some of Grace's things.
Okay ladies, here's the Resell Blog address:
Keeping my fingers crossed to have the first round of listings up over the next couple of days!!!
I too love to do laundry. And some say I am a vacuuming fiend! I am SO OCD!!!
Hi Jessica,
Thanks so much for the info on the lunch ask. And I too would be interested in the clothes you are selling. When are you posting this?
:) I feel the same way about touching meat--I sure do not want to eat it after I have to do so!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE little pumpkin graces clothing!! She is always dressed so amazingly cute!! I am a beginner sewer myself and am trying really hard to sew for my granddaughters, age 3 and 6 months!! Can't wait to see your resell items!
What a sweet post. Love it!
The heat and humidity have been unbearable here in Maine this summer, which is unusual. Fall can't come fast enough for me either :)
I enjoy doing laundry too and I've always found ironing to be very relaxing.
Stay cool if you can!
I have that same raw meat phobia! I think it will be a long time before I let the girls touch it. You are brave. Meg's recipe for meatballs is almost the same as mine, so yummy. Hope you had a lovely dinner.
Jessica, would you be so kind as to share your meatball recipe? Thanks
Oh and by the way, I was looking so forward to Grace's resells. However, I didn't give any thought to the fact that the girls are about the same age. Needless to say, the sizes were to small :(
Thank you guys for all the sweet comments!!!
Angel~ You should have seen the 5-step clean up, LOL! Clorox Wipes, soap-n-water, Clorox Wipes, soap-n-water, sanitizing gel...poor Grace, she's probably scarred for life!
About the recipe...
I used Meg Duerksen's recipe. You can click the word THIS recipe in my post to be taken directly to her post OR you can click the link below for her recipe card. Yummy!
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