Yes, this is my last "hurrah!" post - promise!On our way back from the
Safari, we took advantage of being close by and visited the
Southern Living Louisiana Idea House 2010 in Covington, LA.

Photo Credit: Southern LivingWhile Lance stayed in the car with a napping Hudson, the little pumpkin and I joined Noonie & Papa J to check it out.
It was GORGEOUS! They didn't mind cameras so I took some pictures...for inspiration!

When I was little and we lived in Puerto Rico, we loved to tour all the new subdivisions and model homes. Living in a tourist destination, there were ALWAYS new homes cropping up everywhere. Gorgeous, lavish homes. We used to make an excursion out of it (
cheap entertainment?) and I remember running from room to room deciding which one would be mine if we moved times!
This was Grace telling me she wanted the PINK room, of course ;) 
She was a bit wound up from the safari so I told her she needed to calm down and this is what I got...
"sitting like a lady" she said!...can you just see the wheels turning in her head???!
It wasn't too long before we had a little MISCHIEF!
But isn't this outdoors entertainment space GORGEOUS??!!
Upstairs on the landing, they had this fun little nook set up as a reading spot - LOVE IT!
I have a thing for chandeliers. This one's not my usual taste but I love it all the same! 
The funniest part was Grace playing with Papa J like they were
"fancy people" according to her. She was so silly talking in a funny voice and pretending she lived in a castle...thanks for being such a great sport, Papa J!
A fun end to a very fun weekend! Hope your own "Summer's Last Hurrah" was FANTASTIC! FALL, where are you????I'm SO READY!
I'm so glad that you remember the fun times we had together checking out new, furnished model homes when you were little! You always got very excited when you spotted "your room". Those are wonderful, treasured, sweet and full of love memories.
Love, Mom
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