Remember video arcades??? One of my best birthday memories growing up was my 10th birthday when my mom took me and 3 of my friends to a video arcade called
Time Out and gave us each $20 to play. That was BIG money back in 1988. We thought we were rich! HA! We had the best time!!
So when Grace & Hudson were invited to
Parker's birthday party at a huge video arcade it brought back lots of fun memories for me! Grace loves Chuck E. Cheese so this was right up her alley ;)
Forget that foam hammer! These little hands work much faster!
And look who got in on the action!!!
First car ride alone!
He thought he was hot stuff! he he he
He L-O-V-E-D it!
After exploring every nook and cranny of the inside...
...he made a leap for the OUTSIDE!Gotta be fast with this little monkey!
And the best part of a video in all those hard-earned tickets for a
PRIZE! This time a little candy bracelet and mini deck of cards came home with a very happy little pumpkin ;)

The kiddos were so excited and playing everywhere that I didn't get a good picture of the birthday boy :( ...chasing after 2 little ones is MUCH harder than just one!
We had a great time - thank you for inviting us Davidson Family!
Hope you have fun with that cool Spiderman!!...can't wait to see you in full gear for Halloween!
Love the pics of Hudson in the car - he looks SOOOOO happy! How cute!
Fun!!! I can't believe how big Hudson is getting!!! Love G fun Moon Dot pants!!! Looks adorable with the cute pumpkin shirt!
Oh Hudson, you are growing so fast!
You look sooo happy driving that car by yourself!
Mama is very right about calling you a fast monkey. You were a fast crawler but now that you learned to walk... there's no stopping you!!!!
I love you with all my heart.
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