Saturday, December 4, 2010


In culmination of "B"/Teddy Bear Week, Grace's preschool class had a field trip yesterday to make their very own bears! This was especially fun for them since their class is affectionately known as "Bryan's Bears" at school. Two new little girls have joined Grace's class, Isabella and Ruby, so now there are 10 eager little ones to have fun with! Grace thought it was soooo neat that Isabella shared her middle name as a first name :)

Now, I have a confession to make. I'm not a fan AT ALL of stuffed animals - never have liked them much, but when we walked into
Build-a-Bear and I spotted mini Rudolph and the Misfit Toys, I reaaaally wanted to take one home! Love, love, love Rudolph and the Misfit Toys!! If they had not already had assigned teddy bears to pick from, I soooo would have tried to persuade the little pumpkin to take one of these home!! The Build-a-Bear party leaders were so nice and made it super fun for Grace's class. Here they are rubbing their bears' hearts on their head to make them "smart". Time to name and stuff that teddy! Making sure Lucy passed the
all-important hug test! So excited to wash & fluff her new bear! Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. Peterson surprised the kiddos by letting each of them pick out an outfit for their bear. Grace quickly declared Lucy a ballerina and found the pinkest frock for her to wear! Silliness! Meet Lucy, the Ballerina Bear. When the little pumpkin found out that there was a "bow station" she quickly found herself at home :) Luckily Mrs. Bryan declared 4 the magical number of bows any single bear could wear or we would have been there past closing! Time to sign the keepsake class bear... So there you have it!
10 proud {+ super silly!} new owners of 10 sweet bears!
For the record, I think McKinley (2nd from right, back row) has the BEST silly face EVER!!! he he he
After a fun little ride it was time to call it a day!
Can you tell who is being super protective of her new friend??? :) Next up...PiNKaliCioUs with some dear friends!!! Can't wait!!!!!


  1. I feel the same about stuffed animals...but Reese LOVES them! She loves Build a Bear even more. I was so hoping for Reese to pcik Rudolf or Clarice when she went with Aunt Denise during vacation....nope she chose a Panda Bear????? Not sure why since she never plays with it...oh well! Love the pink outfit Grace picked.

    Love the cute jumper Grace has on (is it one of your sewing projects??? Love that fabric more and more every time I see it). Looks great with the Laffy Taffy pants :)

  2. No, sadly I realized I wouldn't have time to work on another sewing project with my mom in the craziness that is December, so I just bought the little jumper on etsy (sample sale so it was a great deal!).

    You should make a little something for Reese out of the fabric...since you already have the laffy taffy pants! he he he

  3. شركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض

    الاول مستودعات تخزين اثاث بالرياض
    توفر افضل المستودعات لتخزين الاثاث والعفش التى تتوفر بها كل عوامل الامن للحفاظ على الاثاث وتقوم بتغليف الاثاث قبل تخزينه للمحافظة عليها فالاول افضل شركات تخزين العفش بالرياض ونوفر سيارات لنقل الاثاث من اى مكان داخل المملكة .
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    شركة نقل عفش في جدة
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    شركة تنظيف بينبع
    افضل شركة نقل اثاث بالمدينة المنورة
    وان كنت بحاجة الى شركة شراء اثاثك القديم المستعمل فباتصالك بنا تحصل على افضل شركات شراء اثاث مستعمل بالرياض والخرج
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