So I'm guessing at some point it will get old for me but for now I'm relishing all these cute thematic units the little pumpkin has been learning at school. This week is all about Families...and the letter M. Thus far she's made macaroni art, played matching games, created Marvin the Movable Monkey, made marshmallow treats, read about a mouse, practiced good manners, and received marvelous marks on her in-class worksheets...and it's only Tuesday!
Now, about that monkey...
"Marvina", according to her sweet teacher. Can you see the frilly eyelashes she added to make sure everyone knew hers was a girl monkey???
And then the chucks...did you see those new pink chucks she's sporting?? Yes, P.E. shoes! After spending over an hour at the Stride Rite store and walking out empty handed we just went back to our old faithful and got the pink converse in a size up.
When I went to pick her up today Mrs. Bryan came out to talk to me. No lie, I was nervous. But all she wanted to tell me was that Grace keeps them laughing all day long every day. According to Mrs. Bryan as P.E. was wrapping up for the day, they did the Mickey Mouse dance (told you...M all the way), and the P.E. teacher told them something along the line of "that's all for today" to which Grace replied "Are you sure?" Oh my, I was so embarassed. But they just got tickled at her expressions. We better get to working some more on those manners!
Yay for "Marvelous" on these worksheets!
This bag holds a tasty treat.
Something that mice love to eat.
Open the bag, if you please.
Mice aren't the only ones that like cheese!
Which got me thinking...a little twist on that little poem would be so cute for halloween treats, especially when packaged in these cute bags!
Love these pink & orange owls by wants & wishes! Find them HERE.
They even come in boy colors! See HERE. What would be a fun treat to put in these bags???
My mind is spinning with halloween ideas...I'm thinking about a Pumpkin Paintin' Party...hmmm. Better run!