
Thursday, March 24, 2011

hop hopping along...{giveaway}

so......march 6th was my 3rd blogaversary but I was knee deep in birthday party prep work (here and here) so I didn't think much of it. but now that I've had time to recup, let's spread some joy by giving away one of these sweet bunny shirts just in time for all the fun Spring & Easter festivities!3 years and some odd days. 701 posts.sweet family memories preserved. littles growing way too fast right before my friendships. old ones treasured more than ever before.lots of ideas shared. even more gained.totally worth it if you ask me! okay,'s the nitty gritty: I will make a custom bunny shirt for the winner like the ones pictured above in either girl sizes 18 mo. to 7/8 or boy sizes 18 mo. to 5T and I will do MY BEST to accomodate short or long sleeve, depending on size requested.

to enter: leave a comment telling me something that makes you smile from ear to ear and include your choice of boy or girl shirt, long or short sleeve, size, and name embroidery request.
(only one comment per person please)

winner will be picked randomly
contest closes quickly...Sunday, March 27th at 11:59 pm... 3 days in honor of 3 years ;)

one last thing...aren't little boys in board shorts just about the cutest thing ever????!!!!


anniebobannie said...

ok, two things made me smile today.1 I came home and my hubby had cleaned and organized my daughters room!
2 my kids making each other laugh

I would love a girls size 3t short sleeve with the name Ava.

my email is

Sarah said...

Mine would be 3t boy... Nathan
Smiling. when my boys are sweet to each other ;)

Amy Hightower Murphy said...

Lately something that makes me smile is when my "little" comes up to me and says "tiss!" which means give me a kiss! I'm loving that she has gotten so affectionate lately. :)
We would need a girls short sleeve 2T with name Emme.
shoegalamy @

And I love Hudson's shorts! He looks super cute in them! Love Grace's outfit too!

Louley's Belles said...

Listening to my little girls play pretend, sing and read to each other makes me smile from ear to ear. I wish I could freeze time. I would love the little girls short sleeve in a 5T with Sophie added to it. Thanks!!!

Heather L. said...

OOOH! I would love to win this for Emily! She's a size 7/8 and she loves bunnies!

Watching Carter play with his little cars always makes me smile. After having two girls, I still can't believe that I have a little baby boy. So much fun!

Thanks Jessica!!!!!

Brenda said...

What makes me smile. My little girl, she says the silliest things, and I love it!

I would love a 5T in short or long sleeve, with the name Chloe

Leanne Helums said...

What makes me smile = when I pick Katie Lee up after work and she runs and jumps in my arms. PRICELESS!!

I would love a girls 4T short sleeve with Katie Lee on it.

email is

Brianna said...

Sorry i had to delete my first post! i love it when my girls wake up early and just cling to each other.

i would love a 2T, short sleeve, with the name Peyton on it, she freaks over bunnies, this would be perfect for her

Caroline said...

cuddy time makes me smile from esr to ear.

I would like a girl bunny shirt, short sleeve 5t

Kori said...

big smiles come often at my house with 3 great kiddos- Today waking up and didnt mind that my littlest had taken over my pillow and spot in my bed when I woke up to the cutest lil toes peaking out of her blanket- She was enjoying my warm cuddly bed I had to just smile :)
12m Ava and send it to my best friends lil sweetie - so I can make someone else smile :)

mstawnya said...

Last night, I found my oldest daughter reading to her younger sisters. It was such a blessing to me to see them bonding and taking care of each other. So, the shirt would be for her. Short or long sleeved is fine. Size 7/8. Her name is Lucy.

Rachel said...

These are so cute! What makes me smile ear to ear - so many things - my son being sweet to my daughter, random 'I love you's' from my son, my daughter laughing at the strangest things...there's just so much! If I had to pick I'd pick a shirt for my daughter, so size 4T (Sarah). Short sleeve is perfect.

arizonarachel at hotmail dot com

E Truitt said...

My littles make me smile everyday, so that is a given, but last night I had the opportunity to witness something that left a huge grin on my face. The school my mom teaches at holds an annual fundraiser they call Empty Bowls. The idea is the 5th graders make decorated ceramic bowls (100 of them!) and family and friends can purchase them for $10 and also get a meal of soup, bread and water for the entire family. The simple meal represents the meal that the hungry and impoverished of our world may eat, if they have anything to eat at all. The money raised all goes to the local residents in need. The 5th graders decorate the cafeteria and they act as the servers for the night, clearing dishes and handing out water and bread. The school is decorated with all the art the kids have made and it is a great evening for the kids and their families. They raised over $1500 last night to be donated and that is something to smile about!
If I win the giveaway, I would like a girls size 5t short sleeve t-shirt with the name Ally on it.
Congrats on your 3 your blog!!

Whitney Lester said...

What makes me smile is seeing my twins hold hands! It is the cutest thing every. They are 3 1/2 year old boy/girl twins.

I would love a boy (Drew) or a girl (Blakely) short sleeve size 4T.

My email is

Thanks! :)

Rachel said...

First of all, congrats to you on three years of blogging! I truly enjoy reading your posts. What makes me smile? My little girl has started saying, "Kank (thank) you, mama" melts my heart! I would love, love, love to win one of the adorable bunny shirts for her! I would like the girls size
2T short sleeve shirt with the name Shelby embroidered on it. Thanks for the chance! :)

mom22 said...

Two things that make me smile - (1) your blog :) and (2) when I get home from work and my little Ethan barrels towards to door screaming "Momma" with his arms wide open to greet me. Makes my day every time :)

I'd love either a girl's shirt size 7/8 name Grace :) (I could send it back for your Grace) or a boy's shirt size 4T name Ethan.

Hope I win :O)

Momma Chae said...

What makes me smile ear to ear... The first thing that came to mind was what my daughter asked me the other morning. She turns 4 next week and her question the other morning was, "Mom - How do you fix a broken heart?" I just about died, but tried to give her an answer. I found out she had been wondering because of a song on the radio.... :)

I would love a girls size 5, short or long sleeved, with the name Addison. :)

Mendy said...

Oh, I would love one of these for my little girl-Malea 3T short sleeve...
The sweetest thing that makes me smile (although there are many) is when my little ones wake up in the morning...bed hair and all...such simple sweetness that makes me smile! Love them so much!

Briann said...

I love hearing baby giggles, especially my 2.5 year old daughter. i also LOVE sunshine, it makes me so happy I can't help but smile!

I would like 3T Short Sleeve with name Leah (girl)

coolkids said...

I can't decide if I would get one for my son or my daughter!!!!!!! and yes love board shorts on little boys. Jealous that Hudson can wear them and sandals right now!! check out my giveaway from Tuesday.;)

My son's talking right now makes me smile and when he hears an airplane and is surprised expression on his face makes me smile as big as possible.:)

Lori Beth said...

My sweet kids make me smile from ear to ear and say the cutest ,craziest, funniest things!

Girl size 3t or boy size 24m. either one.

Happy 3rd blog anniversary!

Anonymous said...

What make's me happy is watching both my girls playing together "NICELY" and hearing my 3yr old tell my 6yr how much she loved her and giving a big hug.. that made me smile so much.

I would love a 4/t girl /short sleeve.

Jenni said...

The sound of my baby boy's giggle makes me smile from ear to ear. There is no better sound!

I would love to have a boys 2t short sleeve with the name Jax.


Mandy said...

something that made me smile first thing this morning is going into my baby boy's room first thing with him standing in his crib smiling from ear to ear. Can't think of a better way to start the morning.
Then we go down stairs and my 3 year old daughter is eating cereal and says excitedly, "GOOD MORNING!!" Love my family.
Those bunny shirts are adorable. I was introduced to your blog a couple months ago and LOVE IT! I would love a short sleeve girl one in size 4T. Her name in Emma.

Mandy said...

sorry I forgot to put my email in the last comment. It's Thanks

Anonymous said...

Super cute shirts and so nice of you to do this! I love to hear my kids holler and laugh, "Daddy's home, Daddy's home" and watch them all run to the door. It makes me realize what a good daddy they have and how much they love him.

If I win, I would love a little girl's shirt in size 3, long or short sleeve.

Mrs. H said...

Seeing my hubby when he comes home from working nights as a police officer... When he pulls in the drive i know he's had a safe night!! ANd seeing my girls in the morning first thing!!!

Size 8 girl short sleeve with the name Emilia

PS.. love your blog!! enjoy all your crafty ideas!!

Anonymous said...

My students made me smile toda. They are so sweet with me now that I'm pregnant.

I would love to have a girl short sleeve size 8t with the name Genesis.

Thank you!

Yule said...

Just this morning my sweet little hudson and grace rolling around in bed together giggling and haveing so much fun together. It makes me smile ear to ear and maybe a little teary too!

I would love a short sleeve tee for grace size 18months.

LittleBird said...

I have a two year old little girl, she has been saying to me lately,
"I hold you" -- meaning she wants me to pick her up. Melts me every single time! coeyncass at hotmail dot com. Thank you so much for the chance to win. My little girl would love a personalized bunny shirt in a 24 months long sleeve - Ashlee Jae

Melanna said...

When my 2 year old plays with her dolls and in her "mommy-talk" I hear everything I say to her baby sister.

I would love a short sleeve 3T girl's shirt for Madelyn.

Congrats on 3 years of blogging! I always enjoy reading your posts.

Mariah said...

Watching my daughter dance around our living room makes me smile, she is so blissful and alive when she is putting on a "show"! I would need a girls size 5, short sleeve with the name Aubrey

Tiffany said...

my little girl makes me smile a big way. I would love a size 3T in short sleeve with the name Kenna

Unknown said...

The shirts are precious!

I'd like a girl shirt, short sleeved, size 7 with the name ALONNA.

Amber said...

These look even more cute on! Reese makes me smile from ear to ear daily :) I love the stage she is in right now. She is getting to be quite the comedian! Wouldn't one of these shirts be adorable with "hop hop" embroidered on it...hehe

Spears said...

what's making me smile today? Disney Princesses on Ice this weekend...Grace is gonna flip :)
I would love to win a size 5t for her, long sleeve (for next year, already ordered a different bunny shirt for this year from Angel, lol)
btw, Hudson looks sooooooo big in this post!
I LOVE reading your blog, here's to many more years :)

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five said...

My three kiddos make me smile!

I would love a size 4T long sleeve with the name Brendan.

Thanks so much for hosting such a sweet little springtime giveaway.

I'm hosting a little giveaway myself for a set of my handmade Easter-themed bowl fillers. Stop on by and take a peek.

tessie said...

This is the easiest question ever! My nephew, Edward, is the 'thing' that makes me happy everyday. Whether I see him in person or hear his sweet 2 year old laughter in the background when I talk to my sister! He came as a twofold blessing-he was my sister's first(and only, so far) baby at age 40 and he helped heal the devasting hurt and pain caused by our beloved Mom's passing 2 1/2 months before his birth. Obviously I would love to win the bunnty shirt for him! Thanks!

jen said...

I just love when my kids snuggle up to me and tell me I'm the best mommy in the whole world! Makes all those rough times worth it! HA!
I would need boys size 4 with the name Ryland.

Ms.Carson said...

Yesterday, when I got home from work my 21 month old looked at me and said "Mommy home." With such relief in her voice that it made me smile and also feel a little sad that she had been missing me.

I would love the girls in size 2, name Grace.

Anonymous said...

What makes me smile, my two kiddos and my hubby. I am truly blessed! Also must throw in there, the gorgeous blooming daffodils, and High School Plays. I would need Sophie in 5t, short sleeve, PLEASE.

Sophie asked me earlier if we had a movie of Little Pumpkin Grace that she could watch:) She said she's so funny!?!?!?!?!?!?

Jennifer said...

I LOVE these shirts! They are so cute! Happy Blogaversary!

It's the "Little" Things.... said...

My 2 year old son, Cullen when he says, "Momma hold you!"

Girl size 18 month shirt short sleeve with "Lily."

Kelli said...

So many thing make me smile. My kids did something yesterday and it made me smile all night. We had a major rain storm and I let my kids run in the driveaway in the rain the entire time. They had so much fun! I loved to hear them laugh and seeing them just run and jump in the water. When they came in they kept saying thank you that was so much fun.
Thank you for this great giveaway and thank you for your wonderful blog!!
I would love a girl size 5t
Thanks Kelli

Sarah said...

My best smile moment of the day has to be when my 22 month old baby gives his 6 month old brother slobber kisses on the top of his head. So cute and just makes my heart melt :)

I would love a size 7 t-shirt with the name Grace

Calamity Cookie said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary!

I smile from ear to ear when my kids are playing and having a good time together, makes me want more! haha

I'd love a girls size 3 long sleeved t-shirt with Bunny embroidered underneath (I'm in Australia so hopefully this is open to international residents).

my email is:

Nat J said...

My nearly 2 year old son makes me smile every day with the adorable and silly things that come out of his mouth. Last weekend when we were snuggling in bed he put his face up to mine and said "Mommy, I so proud of you!" That made my heart smile.

I'd love a long-sleeved size 2T with the name Dante...he could show it off at our local Easter egg hunt.
**I think my email is listed on my account**

Amanda said...

EASTER makes me smile...I got engaged onEaster Sunday and it is a day I look forward to every year. My ring was hidden in a platinum silver egg (I had to hunt for it!)...would love boy or girl tee...4(boy) or 6(girls)..will you make and sell any?

Sweet P Preston said...

Preston makes me smile, but I especially love Saturday and Sunday mornings we he gets up (I miss him waking up during the week because I am already at work). He has that fluffy bed hair, eyes eyes are round and big, and when he sees me he says "Good morning, Mommy!" and runs in for a hug. I LOVE it and I smile inside and out.

Love the shirt. I would like a 3T short sleeve with the name Preston. Grace's shoes, do they come in women's size 7??lol!

Karen said...

I love seeing peeps packages in my pantry this time of year, yum!

Brendan 24 months

Sweet2th said...

I can't help but smile from ear to ear, when on my day off I ask my kids "so what do you wanna do today?" and my only daughter (out of 4 kids)says "let's go to starbucks and target..." how does she know.... so young... lol!!!

short sleave, 4T with Sophia

Unknown said...

When my little guy wrinkles up his nose and giggles! There is not a sweeter sound or cuter look!
18month boy named Ty short sleeves
Lisa Owen

Cazra said...

I love to hear my daughter get excited about things. It can be something so simple. I wish the little things in life were just as exciting for us as we grow older. I can't wait to hear my baby boy squeal with excitement too when he gets older!

Girl-short sleeve-5T
Name: Madison

Steven and Ginger said...

When I walk outside my door and smell all the wonderful citrus blossoms. To die for. I wish I could bottle it up. I'd love a girl size 2T short sleeve

A little vintage rose said...

~~~Something that brings a smile to my face is watching my 13month old daughter as she sleeps...priceless :) ~~~

I would love to have an 18month old girls short sleeve shirt embroidered with "SAMMY" as SAMMANTHA would most likey be too long to fit on such a tiny!

Julie said...

I just found your blog about a month ago. Super cute!

What makes me smile. Latel it has been seeing my 16 month old daughter with pig tails with the little hair she has. :)

Super cute T's.
Girl, size 18 months (short or long sleeve,doesn't matter) Name: Ellie

julzhustead at gmail dot com

Thanks! :)

WCA Yash Travel said...

i always have a smile when my daughter always keep on saying to me " i love you mama" followed by a kiss.

I would love to have a short sleeve for a girl 4T named Maureen

gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom


thank you

jess said...

One thing that makes me smile is when my daughter says, "pail nolish, instead of nail polish"

We would need a 7/8 short sleeve with the name Alexandra

Brittany Little said...

My little 10 month old has the craziest hair :) we call her baby einstein, I would have to say just seeing that little head pop up each morning brings a smile that stays all day :)

by the way, I love your blog, & have watched your 2 little cuties grow up so fast.. What a cute mom you are!

I would be honored to have my little einstein (girl) wear you darling short sleeved shirt (Amelia size 18 months)

thanks for all the cute stories!

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Anonymous said...

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