Wednesday, May 25, 2011

sweet pictures & a mantle redo!

I'm at training today, learning the latest on prosecuting child abuse cases and testifying in court...sad, sad stuff, so I thought I'd share with you a little bit of happy, even in the form of a prescheduled post ;)Lance has been out of town for work for the past 4 days so during one of the late nights I decided to FINALLY put away our Spring/Easter decor and redo the mantle - I'm sure he'll be excited to not look at bunnies anymore - HA!

As an aside, let me just say this: THANK GOODNESS that by the time this post publishes he'll be only a couple of hours from being home! Yay!!! Single parenthood is HARD!Last Fall, Leah, a friend and sorority sister took some amazing pictures of the littles. It took me FOREVER to decide which ones to order but I finally did and they came in last month. Oh my, just seeing the pictures compared to the canvas one in the middle from when Hudson was just 4 months brings tears to my eyes! They grow up so very fast. And yes, I'm slightly obsessed with pumpkins and aqua blue {I love my aqua blue chair!!} so Fall pictures are a must. I've even sent them out as Christmas cards for the past 2 years...pumpkins and all!

Hope you're having a great day!
Hug your littles extra tight and please say a prayer for all the littles who live the constant nightmare of abuse at the hands of those they love & trust.


  1. Jessica, I can't imagine all that you see in your job. What a blessing you are to those kids who need your help. I will keep you in my prayers as you deal with these terribly sad situations. Big (((HUGS)))

    PS - I also LOVE fall pictures - actually love every thing about fall - so I totally get having fall pics out all the time! Love it!!!

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  3. Awesome fall pictures!!

    What a blessing you are to be the voice of those nobody else hear!! My sister recently started doing this same type of work here in Texas. It takes a special person to see all that you will see and show your loving heart to children who would other wise never see good. My prayers are with you as you take this journey and may God bless you with helping hands, an open heart and unbiding love for what is best for those to weak to protect themselves!!

  4. Thank you both! I run a Children's Advocacy Center...we see over 500 child sexual and severe physical abuse cases every year...SAD STUFF! Hug your little ones every chance you get!


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