it worked!!!
Remember my little conversation with nature last night?
It worked! HA!
We woke up to temps in the 80's, yes 80's! To some that is far from "Fall", but when it's been 100+ for 50 days straight, 80° feels downright dreamy.
We took the littles to Mimi & Pop's house this afternoon so we could go on a little movie date. As soon as we got out of the car I spotted these gorgeous little blooms in Mimi's flowerbed...
Lantana she said. Love them! The little pumpkin had to stop and inspect them...
This morning Lance took advantage of the cooler temps to work in our flowerbeds. A still jammie-clad Grace spotted him through the bay window. A look of concern quickly spread over her face. "Daddy!!! What are you doing??? You're taking the bugs' homes away!! You're supposed to relocate them first. Those poor bugs!" Yes, I think the lessons on neighborhoods and habitats are sinking in just right :)
And lookie, lookie. This little fella grew up overnight, didn't he?
Yes, his new haircut has him looking all "boy" and no "baby" *insert pout*
Actually, I love his new do! But it didn't happen without some bribing. Check out the behind the scenes...
Cutest little assistant, don't you think? But watch out, she's dangerous with the water bottle.
Hooray for George! Love that monkey!
And hooray for house calls! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Mimi!!
And a few completely random shots...
This little guy is obsessed with pulling up a chair to help me in the kitchen. Never too early to start good habits, is it? And the spontaneous water spray fights are pretty fun too :)
And remember my "wish list" from yesterday??? Yes, the littles always win out.
This little fella was in need of fall clothes. Hmmm...sure hope he's feeling as patriotic as I must have been while out and blue for Fall??! If the price is right! Thank you TJ Maxx for the unexpected shopping spree.
Happy Labor Day!
Too cute! His hair cut looks great. I have to agree, we went out shopping for shoes over the weekend then I saw AE had everything 40% off and I had to stop in there for some polos for my son. Happy Labor Day!!!
OH! I better run to TJMAXX!!
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