down on the farm...
Yesterday the little pumpkin's class loaded up a big yellow school bus and headed down to the faRm! Yee-haw! What a fun field trip...maybe my favorite yet.
These two little girlies just keep growing like weeds! Take a peek {here} for one of their first field trips last year.
*sniff, sniff*
As soon as we got to the farm, we were greeted by the nicest folks and this wAgoN!
This nice farmer was our tour guide and he sure made it fun for the littles.
He gave the littles these tiny containers with cream and told them to shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em. By the time we made it to the levee, we had bUttEr!!! It was tasty too!
So peaceful...
A wagon ride back and it was time for the cORn bIN!
Last time we were at this farm my littles were really little, wanna see? Hudson was just 4 months old!! *tear*
Snow angels??? Try cOrN aNgELs!!!
What goes uP...
must come DOwn...this jumping pillow was too much fun!
This was the scariest part of the whole day!! They talked about animal safety and had a dog that was super well trained. Sure enjoyed that part. And then..................they brought out a couple of small snakes and then THIS MONSTROSITY!!!! That's a 22 year old python, I think. Can't quite remember. I was shell-shocked and sooooo relieved when the little pumpkin did NOT want to touch it. Aaaaaaaah!
On to something cuter {and safer!}...the pIg rACes!
Bennett was so cute! He was so excited when they picked him to help.
The choo-choo is always a kid matter the age!
Sweet little pumpkin.
Hmmmm...should I or shouldn't I???
gO fOr It!!!
We wrapped it up with a few friendly dUcK rACes...
...and of course, the cOrN mAZe!!!
My 'city girl' told me all about the snakes that were just waiting to get us if we took a wrong turn - HA!
She takes after her mama.
But wait...more fun ahead!! We made it home in time to take a nap {and a bath!} and then it was time for our annual puMPkinPaLOOza! Fun, fun, fun pictures coming right up!
What an exciting, fun day! The duck race and pig races look too fun!
This was my first time to see a pig race...all I can say is this: H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!!
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