Exactly one year ago to the day, we had our very {first} North Pole Breakfast - it was a hit! The littles L*O*V*E*D it and were so excited about it we decided to make it an annual tradition to kick off the Christmas season.
The North Pole Breakfast marks the debut of ourElf on the Shelf little friends. This year, Super - Grace's elf - gained a middle name...how special is that??! Yes, he is now Super Belly!
Here's the letter Super Belly left Grace...
AND, this year Super Belly brought with him a little sidekick. Yes, please let me introduce you toCookie Rooftop - Hudson's elf! he he he
Cookie is a vintage elf. He was first spotted out & about near Minneapolis a few months back...here's his story:
As soon as Hudson saw him, he grabbed him! Oops!{elf on the shelf tradition says "hands off the elves"}...
...but since this was Cookie's first time in our home, it was okay and he's now been officially welcomed to our family - Southern style, you know "let me hug your neck" and kisses for everyone.
Hudson has the funniest names for his cuddly friends...yes, we even have a Shampoo, the Panda Bear that sleeps with him every night...so when I asked him what he wanted to name him, he took one look down at his plate and mumbled through his little Peppermint Oreo & Candy Cane Kisses stuffed mouth, and said "Cookie"! More on his middle name in a bit...
But let me back up for a second. This is why the North Pole Breakfast is worth the effort, check out these precious little faces just waiting to check things out...{and please ignore the elephant trunk pj sleeves}
Oh my, I just love those two littles to pieces. Seeing life through their innocent eyes has got to be one of the most precious gifts motherhood brings.
Seeing the table for the first time...
Mama, Super Belly MADE this breakfast for us!!!Hmmm...o-kay.
Grace pumpkin, I think that--- But ma-ma, it says so right here. He came from the North Pole and... Hmmm...you know, Grace, I think Super Belly did help with the breakfast afterall. *wink*
Our fun & festive North Pole table...
...and of course the SWEETS! Sorry, but the North Pole is not exactly known for its "healthy fare", rather visions of sugarplums swirl all around...
Super Belly and Cookie Rooftop left the littles some presents...
Socks to keep those tootsies warm...everyone knows socks are signature gifts in the North Pole. And this year's ornaments...a lion for my sweet, lion-obsessed Hudson and a sparkly cinderella carriage for my pink-lovin', girly girl little pumpkin...

...and some cute books for our 25 days of Christmas books marathon...Fox and the Snowflake Christmas for Hudson and Lalaloopsy Party Time for Grace {no, not a Christmas title but a sweet story about appreciating everyone's special talents}.
Please tell me your littles are the same way...always checking out what the other is getting??!
And here's how Cookie got his middle name..."It's Rooftop (rudolph), Mama!! I lot (love) Rooftop." So Cookie Rooftop it is. Oh, how I love this sweet little boy!
By now little bellies were hungry...let the sugar fest begin!
A north pole tradition...Snow-covered Donuts stacked up high...
Peppermint Kisses straight from the jolly old fella himself...
Tiny Snow balls from the elves' friendly snow fights...
...perfect for Floating Glacier Snowman Soup (hot cocoa with marshmallows)
Candy Cane Milkshakes
I had no idea candy canes would do this to milk, but what a fun surprise and right before the littles' very eyes! The North Pole is very magical, you know. *wink*

Mini replicas of the Steps that lead to Santa's workshop...
And a new one this year, courtesy of Cookie Rooftop himself...
Santa's favorite snack...Gingerbread Man Cupcakes!
{Yes - run, run as fast as you can because this recipe - French Toast muffins {found here} is soooo yummy! Serve warm for even more yumminess}
And speaking of the jolly old fella, check out what else Super Belly & Cookie Rooftop brought the littles...St. Nick & Mrs. Claus truffle pops!!
North Pole Breakfast 2011 at its best...

And with that, our North Pole Breakfast 2011 was a wrap!
{if you do your own version of the NPB, be sure to leave me a comment - I'd love to check it out!}
Dear Grace & Hudson,
I hope when you're all grown up one day, you'll look back on our family's quirky traditions and they will warm your heart...
May you always remain this close...
Love you with all my heart,
Santa & Mrs. Claus truffle pops: purchased at a local gift shop
North Pole gift pails & tags, kids' plates, striped plates, candy cane placemats, paper napkins, gingerbread house boxes, snowman treat bags, and tier serving plate: Walmart! {I know!}
North Pole sign frame and scrapbook paper: Hobby Lobby
Santa cupcake toppers: Hobby Lobby
Snowman tray & penguin plates: Target {a couple of years ago}
Milk bottles: frappucino 4-pack to go from Target!
...their excitement was contagious!
Back soon with lots more pics of our annual tradition...