I pledge allegiance...
This morning was a very special morning at Grace's school. I mentioned {here} about one of Grace's little classmates whose dad is in the military, currently stationed overseas.
Paityn's dad is in Afghanistan, serving the last 3 weeks of his 6-month deployment. He is scheduled to come home December 28. We are all anxiously awaiting his safe return.
Grace's class has sent several care packages to Paityn's dad while he's been overseas. He always sends the most uplifting notes back to the kids, telling them how much the cards, pictures, snacks, and prayers mean to him, teaching them about freedom and being good citizens, and telling them he can't wait to visit the class - Bryan's Bears - when he comes home. He also sent a very important package last time...
Paityn's dad flew an American flag for one week over where he is stationed in Afghanistan in honor of Bryan's Bears. He sent the flag to Mrs. Bryan and today, Grace's school had a ceremony and flew the flag in honor of Paityn's dad!

I would love it if you would join me in praying over Paityn's dad...for safety during these last 3 weeks of his deployment, for a safe return to his family, and for all the troops still overseas.
Thank you!
I just started following your blog and I have added it to my blog...
I found you on pinterest...
I am praying for his safe return home.
This story touched my heart!! My whole family will keep your friends in our prayers...please keep us updated when he comes home to his sweet family!
I love your blog!! thank you for all your ideas and I repin most of your pins...haha
Thanks again!
Jessica Russell
Just prayed for this family. I will continue to do so.
Thank you for posting this, its amazing timing. My husband will deploy to Afghan beginning of the year for 11 months and right now he is training away from home. My 6 yr old is having a rough time with it (this is the third deployment for her)This is a great idea and a great way for her classmates to rally around her and talk about her daddy and what he does. Thank you for posting and I am praying for this Daddy and all the other daddies and mommies that are still there. Merry Christmas!!
THANK YOU all for praying and WELCOME to my little blog! So glad you are here!
Kacy - I'll be praying for your family too. Deployment seems so hard. I've never had personal experience with it, but I've seen so many go through it. My heart goes out to everyone with loved ones overseas fighting for our freedom. ((Hugs))
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