Saturday, December 31, 2011

we almost ran out of time, but...

...we squeezed it in!This past Friday we had our annual Bake Day...yes, after Christmas.Seems like Christmas came fast & furious this year and we just ran out of time, so sadly Santa had store-bought cookies this year :(We always make such a mess during Bake Day but it's always so much fun.This year Hudson really got into it. I think it had a little something to do with the alligator rolling pin Aunt Segi gave him......or maybe it was the 543,187 white chocolate chips he ate! He even shared a few with Noonie......and played cookie cutter peek-a-boo with me.
LOVE this sweet boy!We mixed...and mixed...and mixed some more.We got ready to roll out the dough...and Oops!...a little love pat!Luckily Noonie took it in stride.We rolled......and rolled some more.
{Oh, how I love these three sweet hands!}
We put those vintage cookie cutters to good use......and then the littles insisted on pulling out every.single.cookie.cutter we own. Ha!Before long...
{Yikes! I need to clean my oven!!}
Our cookies were ready for the littles' favorite part: ICING OVERLOAD!
{we cheated with the can froting because I have yet to master royal icing}
And of course, SPRINKLES!!!As soon as I pulled out these sprinkles...
{yes, DINOSAURS!!!}
Hudson went to town frosting and decorating his cookie masterpiece!
{Notice the missing gingerbread boy arm and legs?? Hudson snuck in a little taste test along the way!! he he he}
So sweet to see how into it they were...And before long we had some mighty fine masterpieces...
{yes, they had complete creative control this year!!}
Love how proud they both were of their creations!Best part of Bake Day for the littles?
Eating their masterpieces, of course!But for Noonie and I...
just spending this sweet time with the littles is what it's all about.Sweet, sweet memories.

Happy New Year!
I'm excited for 2012!!



  1. Ya'll are ALL too CUTE!!! Love the pictures, Jessica. You have such a sweet family. What a blessing your mom is! You are one lucky daughter/mama! XOXO

  2. Looks like fun! Hudson reminds me of Bennett...he eats EVERYTHING while we are making it!

  3. Better late than never... great idea to do it anyway!

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