So it's not enough that I'm planning the little pumpkin's 5th, working on the class valentine party, thinking about a valentine playdate (the hubby brought down my v-day box from the attic and hello, I had forgotten I had bought all kinds of party stuff last year including VINTAGE invites - woo hoo!), and planning an easter egg hunt & party, but........................................ I *think* we've stumbled upon the perfect party theme for Hudson's birthday. His June birthday ;)
You see it all started yesterday while we were at Target. We went down the party aisle and he went cRaZy over {this} big green monster pinata.

And then, it hit me. He LOVES monsters and dragons, his favorite colors are orange and brown, and he's a wild little thing and well, the rumpus that comes along with that is just inevitable.

Lance and I had already decided to have his party at the same farm we had Grace's 2nd, but this is no ordinary farm, they have a camel, and kangaroos and several other wild animals. So.............................are you with me?.............................. Where the Wild Things Are it is! Hudson loves the book too, who doesn't?

And I think a version of these may just be the perfect party favors because I don't know about you, but both of my littles are wiLD about living room forts. And I'm all for a party favor that sparks creative play.

{there are worse things, right?}

I may be right there with you. I begin thinking about KL's next birthday as soon as one finishes. I have a 7 week old and have already began thinking about his 1st. Thanks to Pinterest. :) I love the Lalaloopsy. My little one loves these and has a bunch.
Happy Party Planning from one birthdayholic to the next.
I need to sign up for the birthdayholic group, too! It is nice to not feel alone with this disease! Love your ideas! I am always amazed at things we have in common. Also, trying to put together 2 Valentine parties and a monster party has been thrown around lots... not wild things, but monsters... Can't wait to steal all your ideas! Thanks for the birthdyholic confession! I love that there are others with the disease.
Glad I'm not the only one. If there is a group...let me know!
You are hilarious! If you find that group, let me know. After the girls party last weekend, Drew took a deep breath and said, "Can we be done with the parties for a little while?" Really, Vday is coming! Love those fun little celebrations.
Where did you mom find the Lalaloopsies? My girls are obsessed with these! We love them!
Laura~ Lance says the same thing all the time, LOL!
You can find the fairy tales lalaloopsies at Target...ours didn't have them stocked until today, but now they have all of them. Figures! :)
Cute theme!!!!! Sounds like fun!
And you know I would be a charter member of that group =)
Hi, I'm ruby and I am addicted to throwing parties.
I run a playgroup we have parties for everything! My son turned 3 in December and I am already planning his 4th.
I love the wild things party, for my sons 2nd we had a Llama Llama Red Pajama Party! I love throwing parties from books.
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