This time he fell while running outside at Mimi & Pop's house. I wasn't there and it's probably a good thing because I probably would have cried more than he did. According to Mimi he was pretty tough and only cried for about 30 seconds. He's been getting lots of extra kisses, that's for sure.
Changing gears a bit...
I know I've said it before, but to me there's nothing like "God winks", you know, those moments when you feel like God is revealing Himself to you plain & simple...moments when you know He is talking directly to you. Today was one of those days. {I've already shared this with some of you but I wanted to record it here so I can look back during tough times and remember just what an awesome God we serve.}
On my way to work this morning I was feeling pretty discouraged about a particular situation. My thoughts drifted to simpler the time I worked at a gymnastics facility while in college/grad school and the hard-working man who helped us keep the gym nice & clean. He always had such a genuine smile, a kind word of encouragement for the kids when they were feeling discouraged at not being to master a new skill, and seriously the BEST attitude ever.
He worked his behind off to put his daughters through school and would often talk about them with pride. He once shared a story with me about how he prayed for the person(s) who stole all of his lawn business equipment instead of getting mad at them. We always had great conversations and he reminded me a lot about my own grandpa. Whenever I worked late, he would always walk me to my car to make sure I was safe.
Since graduating and leaving the gym I've only run into him once. In retrospect, I wish I would have told him how much I admired him and what a difference he had made in my life. I said a quick prayer and went on to work.
This afternoon on my way home from work, while sitting at a red light, I heard someone honk their horn twice. I looked up and lo and behold, in the right lane was Mr. F, in a shiny yellow truck. I couldn't believe it. I rolled down my window and fought back tears. Beaming that sweet smile of his, he said, "I thought that was you!" I finally told him how much I admired his work ethic and what an impact he made in my life. Yes, car to car! He smiled a little bigger. The light changed, we said goodbye and went on {and yes I boo hoo'd all the way home). God is in the details. Always.
I have to be honest, I almost didn't share this. I wanted to keep it tucked in my heart like the gift it was to me fr

If you're reading this and you're hurting...whatever the reason, I pray that you will feel God's hands holding your heart in His.

Sweet Daughter:
There's a book titled "When God Winks". I'll share it with you. I know you will be able to relate to it.
I'm happy for the sweet moment that you experienced today.
Thanks for sharing this is just what I needed today.
God Bless
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