My mama + my littles + church + a sweet and simple picnic at the park planned by my hubby and stepdad + dinner with my inlaws = a fantastic mother's day. In fact, I wish this kind of "mother's day" came around at least once/month - HA!
Random pics from our day...
Just before church...
My two leading ladies...
Wrangled Hudson into a picture - yay! ;)
My little loves {cheeeeese smile and all!} and the reason I get to celebrate this sweet day...
Giving Noonie her card and present...
Eager little helpers...
She likes it!! Yay!
Happy Mother's Day Mom/Noonie!
These two always have the bESt time!!
A quick change and we were ready for the park!
I love the artwork on my card!!
And Hudson signed his very own "H"!!!!!! LOVE!
Goofy pic of me, but does Noonie know me or what??!
I LOVE the little vintage chalkboard she added to my gift!!
Best little helper...
Sweet little pumpkin...
Strawberry pie...YuMMy!!!
My favorite kind of bouquets...
I love that she wished us "Happy Mother's Day" at least this sweet girl! Even last night after she'd fallen asleep, I went in her room to kiss her sleeping head and she woke up, smooched me a sticky kiss, and said "Happy Mother's Day one last time, Mama" {not sure how I got so lucky to have these two sweet littles, but tHAnK yOU, Jesus for this greatest of gifts!}
Later that day after a little afternoon nap, we headed to Mimi and Pop's to eat dinner with them.
Happy Mother's Day, Mimi!
Thank you Lance for planning such a perfect Mother's Day!
Love you!

Happy Mother's Day sweet friend! So glad you had a nice relaxing day. Love your haircut and I have that same little chalkboard. So cute!
It was, indeed, a great Mother's Day. The only thing missing to make it PERFECT for me would have been to have my Mom (Tata) here with us too. I'm excited, though, that we'll get to see her next month, God willing.
Thank you, Angel!! I hope you had a great one too!
So true, mom! I'm so glad we were able to spend time with her this month while in PR!! Love you!
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