I love making my exaggerated "you made this for meeeeeeeeee" {insert annoying high-squeal mama voice} everytime he brings home a school project. His little face just lights up and he says, without fail, every single time, "yes, I made it for YOU mama". Today was no exception.
He came home from MDO with this sweet fingerprint-polka-dot mother's day gift. Plant the Seeds of Love... such a sweet sentiment! But you know what I love, love, love about this???
He poured the dirt in all by hIMsELf!!!! Yes, one little spoonful at a time. His teachers said he was so proud of his accomplishment. I can just see him making a big 'ole mess but lovin' every minute of it and just digging, pouring, digging, pouring...
And then there's this super cute bookmark...
Love it all so much, Hudson!
Thank you my sweet boy!!!!

Hudson is surely proud of this little potted plant for his Mommy.He was beaming with excitement! Noonie is SO PROUD of you, my little man. I love you LOTS, with all my heart!
He loves you so much, mom! Thank you for loving both he and Grace so much. They are blessed to have you as their grandma!
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