It's in this building that I've seen our baby girl blossom into a little girl... all day school... cafeteria & recess... art/music/PE... morning meeting... pledge of allegiance... field trips & school buses... class t-shirt... leader & caboose... centers... thematic units... writing journals... gator bucks {so proud of you for saving all year to get to 100 for that Princess Makeup Kit!!}... art awards... projects... best friends... amazing teachers... the list could go on and on but then the tears would too.
For the past 2 years this has been her home away from home and I couldn't have asked for a better preschool experience. Thank you, Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. Peterson. You two are simply aMAzInG! We prayed about her teachers and God answered our prayer...a million times over!
The little pumpkin on her {first day} this past August...
And look at her now!
Since I'm already a mess, might as well go down memory lane and boo hoo it out...
Mother's Day Out ~ 1 y/o class ~ 2008-2009
first day: 18 months
last day: 26 months
Mother's Day Out ~ 2 y/o class ~ 2009-2010
first day: 2 yrs. 6 months
last day: 3 yrs. 2 months
Preschool ~ K3 ~ 2010-2011
first day: 3 yrs. 5 months
last day: 4 yrs. 2 months
Preschool ~ K4 ~ 2011-2012
first day: 4 yrs. 5 months
last day: 5 yrs. 2 months
It's official. We now have a kInDErgArTenER! *gulp*
This morning just before she got dressed she looked at me a little sentimental and said, "I want to stay little forever." {the little pumpkin has such a sensitive soul}
My heart skipped a beat. I told her, "Promise me?"
and then to try to cheer her up I said, "You have to promise to stop drinking that secret grow-up potion, after Daddy and I put you to bed, okay?
That got the giggles going! The little pumpkin is all about princesses and potions and pink and glitter and fairytales these days.
Grace, you will always be my baby girl. Always.
Dear Grace,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will lead the way.
We love you and we are so proud of you!
Mama, Daddy & Hudson

Hi Jessica! I am a new follower of your blog and LOVE it! Love all of your party ideas. Your little one is adorable. LOVE her clothes. Look forward to following along. I too have a little one who will begin her pre-k journey in September. Have a great day!
Your last day of pre-school!!!!
Oh, how much you have grown and how much you have LEARNED!!! You are a good student and I hope that you will always be as eager to learn as you have been so far.
May God always protect and bless you, my sweet Grace.
Remember: you will always be my special girl in the whole wide world, forever and ever and ever!
All my love, Noonie
OOps! I pressed the wrong button!
It was me who wrote the comment posted above.
jessica darlin you do such a fabulous job documenting precious grace's milestones! i used to think i did a pretty good job until my son's high school graduation just last week! but like you (sniff) i was very very sad that this day had come and my baby boy was all grown up~ like WHEN did we go from paci to prom??? i think i missed something!! (he is my middle child by the way so i have done this before, that doesn't help!) btw~love ur blog and adorable ideas!
also jessica, i am a kindergarten teacher, i too love love loved our preschool years, still miss eds but there is nothing better than KINDERGARTEN!!!! grace will love it and so will you!!!
What a great idea to take first and last day photos each year. I'll have to remember that this year! Amazing how much she's grown in just 9 months. I think it's also the growing out her bangs part that makes her look older too. She will have so much in kindergarten. Congratulations Grace! Enjoy your summer break.
I don't even know you and this post had tears in my eyes. What great memories you guys have of preschool! Will Hudson go to the same preschool? I'm sure Grace was the best dressed, LOVE her outfits! :))
she is such a beautiful little girl! i, too, will have a kindergartener come august. let's boo hoo together :)
Welcome Holly! So glad you're here! :)
Ha you, mom!
Thank you for the reassurance about Kindergarten, Cheri!! I'm still having butterflies but she just completed a one-week summer camp at the school she is attending staffed by all the kindergarten teachers and LOVED it! Prayer answered!!
Thank you, Angel!!
Thank you, Lori Beth! You are so sweet! We're not sure if Hudson will attend the same program or not. The program Grace attended for both years of preschool is a gifted & talented program that is part of our public school system. Kids have to test in and it's pretty tough to get in (about 700 screen every year and we only had 16 in our class). Hudson will test in the Fall since children have to be 3 to test and they don't test in the Summer, but for now he is enrolled in a private preschool for this Fall. Grace's teacher who made the program what it is today and who has been teaching it for 25 years just. announced. her. retirement. So bittersweet for us!!
Hi, Kimberley! Yes, you and I will both be boo-hooing this Fall!!
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