3 more days and this little pumpkin will have an entire month of "green" conduct squares at school! She already made one trip to the treasure box (after 10 green days in a row) and she's super excited to finish off the month on GrEEn!! Way to go, Grace!
And one more thing.......she tackled her first sewing project yesterday!!
Started out as a simple little blanket for Coco, her beloved stuffed cow, but because she is her mother's daughter and it runs in our genes, she just couldn't help herself, so it became a napmat for Coco, complete with a little pillow and a burp pad stuffed inside for the mattress.
Proper pictures of the finished product soon (sorry for the blurry, in-a-hurry phone pics!)..................we had an hour long search for Coco yesterday after she disappeared..................oh, the tears. So glad Coco has been found and is now resting comfortably on her new mat ;)
Happy Fall, Y'all!

Love it! Can't wait to see the finished product! And don't tell EG that Grace has started sewing! She asks me ALL OF THE TIME when she gets to start. I finally just made up an age,7! That buys me two more years!
Dear Grace: I loved giving you your first sewing lesson, at age 5 years. Your expression when you pressed the pedal and started sewing was priceless !!! I know that Coco will love her nap mat with an attached pillow. I hope that we get to sew many things together.
All my love, Noonie
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