But the bags have been unpacked and the laundry pile is now gone {yippee!} so please bear with me while I pick and choose which of the 1006 photos to add to this, our online scrapbook :) Yes, I'm going to have to be Disney-obnoxious for about a week or so, so feel free to come back then if Disney is not your thing.
When I'm all done with Disney pics I'll have to tell you why my heart is bursting at the seams and what I'm so very grateful for this Thanksgiving.
{Disney Day 1}
We woke the littles up at 4:45a on Thursday, November 15th so we could be at the airport on time for our 6:30a flight. Mickey mail was our bribe...
Movies and Autograph Books...woo hoo!
Quick family pic and we're off!
And lickety split we arrived in Orlando and headed to our hotel...
...and while the Disney folks took our luggage to our room {yay for that!} we made our way to the Magic Kingdom...
We're here!!
Family pic...
Seeing the castle is magical, no matter how old you are!
First up...the teacups, of course!!!
Next, my very favorite...
Lots and lots of pics...sorry, it's my fave!!!
I even bought a Dumbo ornament for our tree this year!! ;)
Enter the Disney dining plan...he he...thank goodness for that! :) {...actually, that darn plan made me gain 2 lbs in 1 week!!! yes, even with all the walking!! arrgh}
Another favorite...It's a Small World!
So, so pretty!
This little sheep reminded me of those vintage Irmi lamps!!
Those eyelashes!!!! Love!!
And then she spotted it...
It was love at first sight...
Pleeeeeaaase, mama??!?!
She even got a sprinklin' of pixie dust from the sweetest little lady...
"Mama, can you see the sparkles?? I can FEEL them!" love her.
I'm so glad I waited to buy her a dress-up 'till we were there. It was such a fun moment for us girls.
Last ride for the day...Prince Charming's Regal Carousel!
The Castle, ooooh, the Castle!
And then when we got back to the hotel.........Mickey Mail was waiting for them. Yep, Mickey Mail was a HIT with the littles! {thanks again, Andrea!!}
Her very own Rapunzel nightgown!!
{so sweet to see how excited they were even over something as simple as pajamas}
And Spidey pj's for Hudson!
Our first day at Disney was everything I had hoped for and more! Their smiles, big eyes full of excitement, sweet hugs, ooohs and aaahs, and "thank-you for bringing us here"...it may sound cheesy, but indeed this is what making memories is all about. Love it all!

I LOVE this!! I LOVE Disney!! I'm so excited to see all your pictures!! So much fun seeing Disney through all the other family's vacation. We went to Disneyland in June with our 3yr old and it was the best trip ever. Kids make everything so much more magical!
Ah i love it! i just went in June for my sons first birthday.(and the opening of carsland) We are lucky enough to have Disneyland 20 mins away and my husbands best friend is an Engineer there, so we get in free! I really want to go for Christmas.
I am glad y'all had a great time. such a magical place no matter how old you are,
I will look forward to your posts, as we are going with our 4 grands for the 3rd January in a row. We LOVE how excited the kids are about all of it. It is pure magic I guess:-)
I've so excited to read your Disney posts! We are going to have a very Disney next few months! Disney cruise in January and WDW in May, so I'm doing as much research as possible! Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures!!
Ohhhhhh I still can't believe I dropped the ball with the Minnie ear bows....but I absolutely love Grace's dress and the Mickey Mail idea!! Looks like you had a magical time:) can't wait to see more pics!!
So exciting! I have been anxiously waiting!! So happy for yall! Looks like you got lots of cute pictures!! Adorable outfits and precious smiles!! Love the shout out! So fun that they loved Mickey mail! Kiddos can love the silliest things the most! Can't wait to see more!! You will be glad to get the memories documented while they are still fresh! Once again you inspire me! LOVE IT!!! WOW- getting to go for 8 days you will have tons to share for sure!!
so exciting! I love reading your posts.
So happy your trip and time at Disneyworld were wonderful! I love seeing your great photos.
I'm sooo happy that you could take that family trip to Disney World. Those memories will last forever!
(I still remember taking you for the first time as a little child: you too loved the teacups!!!)Looking forward to all the pictures.
I don't know if I'm happier that you made the trip...or happier that you are all safely back---I missed you all like crazy!
Love, Mom/Noonie
Thank you all so much!!! You guys are the sweetest!! We had such a magical time at Disney...perfect family vacation for sure!!
And like everyone else...I can't wait to go back!! :)
And Noonie~ we missed you soooo much! XOXO
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