The littles with Noonie and Papa J...ready to go to Christmas Mass.
Our little family...
Dinner at Olive Garden after church...
{notice Hudson's gIGAntIC plate of croutons...the boy is obsessed with croutons!!}
Back home to open gifts!
"It's what I always WISHTED for!!!"
Noonie~ I think it's safe to say, the Pirate Ship was a BIG hit!!
Grace's turn...
Just a couple of weeks before Christmas, the little pumpkin added "Marie-Grace" to her wish glad Noonie was able to make that dream come true!!
Sweet, giddy smiles like this is what Christmas is ALL about!
ThANk yOU, Noonie!!! I LOVE Marie-Grace!!
ThANk yOU, Papa J!!!
Not to be outdone, Hudson jumped in on the hugfest!
But these next set of pictures is what it's all about for me...laughing and sharing with those you love. My grandpa used to LOVE having paper fights after all the presents were open so this year the littles helped me and we were able to surprise Noonie and Papa J with our very own "peanut" paper fight!!
We told them to close their eyes and put out their hands and then the littles went behind the sofa and...
I have no doubt my Abuelito was smiling down from heaven watching all this ruckus...
Time for some presents for Noonie and Papa J...
...and even some for Lance and me!
Thank you Noonie and Papa J!
More fun things for the littles...
ThANk yOU, Noonie and Papa J!
And one very special little present for my dear mom who told me a couple of weeks before Christmas that she had never had a stocking growing up... I remedied that with a sweet one made out of vintage sheets to remind her of her childhood and a buttery yellow floral background since yellow is her very favorite color. I hope this stocking brings you a smile for years to come, Noonie!
A funny moment... Noonie got these little monogrammed cube totes for the littles and as soon as this little boy opened his, he said, "my very own PURSE!"
Lance was not too keen on Hudson's statement but he was just too cute!
Oh, how I love these sweet littles...
This was a sweet, sweet night spent with the people I love most, especially this amazing lady I'm blessed to call mom...

What a wonderful night! I love that you made your mom a sweet! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Beautiful stocking, what a special gift! I have to say, I always love "papa j"'s smile...he looks like a fun guy to hang out with :) merry Christmas to your family, and happy new year!
Thank you both!! I didn't make her stocking, Kelli, just ordered it from a little etsy shop - but isn't it sweet??!? And yes, Papa J sure has a great smile! :)
So very precious!! Love the stocking, paper fight and it all!! Love that Hudson eats croutons...ha...found my C eating them the other morning for breakfast! ;) We had an American Girl doll Christmas here...Grace would fit right in!:) HAPPY NEW YEAR!
YES! This was a GREAT Christmas Eve! From going to Mass together and sitting with the littles in the big church...down to the "peanuts" shower, it was an unforgettable evening. I love all the expressions that you, my dear daughter, were able to capture with your camera. Some are priceless! And my very own Christmas stocking!!! I hung it as soon as we got home! It was so sweet of you to do that for me...but then, that's the kind of person you are- sweet, caring, loving. I'm so proud to be your Mom and to have Grace and Hudson in my life--they made me Noonie and I love it!!! I wish you, Lance, Grace and Hudson a WONDERFUL 2013 filled with love, peace, health and happiness.I'm looking forward to all our shared adventures for 2013.
Love you with all my heart, Mom
Querida Jessica,
Desde hace dos años soy una fiel seguidora de tu blog, me encantan tus historias familiares y la forma en que las relatas. Recuerdo perfectamente que te descubri cuando estaba buscando ideas para la celebración de Thanksgiving para la escuela donde trabajaba, el buscador de Google me mostro unas fotos de Grace que tu habias subido de su fiesta en el kinder y pense WOW, esto esta super!!!!! Sin embargo en ese entonces yo no te seguia tan fielmente como ahora, que te siento como si fueras una prima lejana, a traves de lo que escribes me haces sentir como si nos conocieramos de toda la vida. Y fue asi un día que decidí leer tus antiguos posts, fue asi que me entere que hablas español, esa fue una grata sorpresa!!!! Sobretodo porque me encanta como escribes y como reflejas tus emociones tan bien. En fin hoy por fin despues de leer este ultimo post, me animo a escribirte para agradecerte todas esas hermosas ideas que tienes y que compartes con nosotros. Te agradezco con nos enseñes un poco de tu hermosa vida en familia y que lo publicas para que nos enteremos de lo que les esta sucediendo. Pero sobretodo te agradezco que seas un ejemplo para mi, tanto como mujer, esposa, madre e hija!!!!! Realmente eres un ejemplo a seguir. Que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre y te colme a ti y a tu familia de muchas bendiciones. Que el año que viene este lleno de amor, alegría y muchos buenos momentos.
Feliz Año Nuevo!!!!!!!!
Con mucho cariño,
Lili Garcia
P.D. Si alguna vez vienes a Cancún, México de vacaciones, sería un honor poder conocerte en persona.Bendiciones :)
Querida Lili,
Tu mensaje me ha sido llorar de sentimientos. Gracias por tus hermosas palabras. Siento como si te conozco un poquito - me encantaria conocerte en persona algun dia! Que Dios te bendiga a ti y a tu familia!!
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