First up on Saturday...Mimi and Pop's!
Two words: Kids Everywhere!!!!
They love hanging out with each other, but in all the craziness, I didn't get a pic of the littles with Mimi and Pop - boo :( So I'm adding this one from Mimi's birthday just a couple of weeks earlier...the littles are cRaZY about their grandparents!!
The littles had a blast opening presents and boy, they sure got spoiled!!
We have full-on entered a Star Wars craze around here...{you know what else he loves? this dinosaur shirt!! thank you Mimi for Grace and Hudson's cute outfits!!}
Thanks to Mimi and Pop, she now has better technology than Lance and I...
Puzzles. This little boy LOvEs puzzles and he's really good at putting them together too! Love that about him!
All the littles always gravitate toward Pop. They LOOOOOVE him!!
Thank you Mimi and Pop, Aunt Tammie, Aunt Lexi and Co. for all the generous gifts!!
Way, way more than we deserve!
Sunday we drove to see Memema, Aunt Marilyn, Lance's dad Papaw and Mimsy for more Christmasing...
Aunt Marilyn turned her garage into a gathering space - the littles LOVE it there! I tried to snap a cute pic of my littles and well, they were waaaay too excited to cooperate. Still, so sweet. And so them!
All of my pics are of the little people - I've got to do better next time capturing the grown-ups too! Lainee was a hoot getting into Aunt Marilyn's Mardi Gras beads...
Papaw always gets the littles a bag full of candy to go along with all their other goodies...they LoVE the candy...I LoVE this little tin of old-fashioned peppermints!
Hudson sporting an orange soda mustache and pondering his next sugar rush weapon...
Sweet Tiffany...
One more of Miss Lainee who loves the camera and asked me to take her pic with this sparkly Barbie barrette...what can I say, the girl loves her bling!
And then I just stopped taking pics...just wanted to be in the moment and soak in all the sweet giggles and high-pitched "awesomes!", rather than stay behind the lens...ever feel that way???
One last pic, so not the best quality, but these littles made Christmas so much fun - loved watching them run around and play with each other...the little kid gang!
But even as I watched them, my mind kept going back to Sandy Hook Elementary and the sweet littles that will not be there to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones this year. My heart aches for their families. Sending lots of prayers...
Next up, Christmas Eve with Noonie and Papa J!

I love the outfits! Where do you get Grace's bows? Emma is almost ready for some big bows!!!!
Thanks! I used to buy all her bows from a local bakery!! The owner's wife made them and sold them pretty cheap, but then they expanded to a second location and she stopped making them - so sad!! Haven't found any replacements that I love yet. I liked that hers were classic, simple, yet not floppy, which a lot of big bows can be. Let me know if you find some great ones!!
Which case is that for the kindle?
I have no clue about the kindle case!! It's a pliable, rubbery one, if that helps??! I'll ask Grace's mimi and let you know.
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