Our last couple of trips we've had lots of mishaps with our flights, but I have to say we had eXCeLLent service from Delta on both our flights to Disney and back!
On our way back we had a super friendly flight attendant guy who made this contraption for Hudson...was just supposed to be his answer to a lid, but Hudson thought it was a spaceship and LOVED it!
Then a flight attendant girl came by and gave the littles wings...they were thrilled! I remember getting those as a little girl, don't you?!! It really is the little things sometimes. Even the smallest kindness extended to someone can make all the difference.
I'm always one to talk about how I don't want my littles glued to electronics, but boy, they sure do come in handy when traveling, don't they??!!
Goofing off on the plane...
The littles are both good travelers which makes it a lot easier - a blessing indeed!
So from Christmas to Thanksgiving!!
We actually celebrated with family the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I'm happy to report that by then I had lost the 2 lbs. I gained at Disney. Good timing, huh? Hahahaha!
We, women, are so hard on ourselves sometimes, aren't we??! So all together, since we returned from Puerto Rico, I've lost 25 lbs. - woo hoo! My goal was 30 by Christmas so I better step it up to lose those last {stubborn} five pounds!! And then I'd like to lose more in the new year, but that's for another post...
Up next, lots of Christmas cheer!

OK I commented the other day about seeing our Disney trip in your pictures and now you post a picture of your daughter leaving Disney in the EXACT outfit mine left in! We are already looking forward to our next trip!
I love your children's clothes. They are so adorable!
Thank you!!!
Jennifer - that is too funny!! We love to travel in MJ knits...so super comfy!! :)
congratulations on the weight loss, you look great! you always do :)
Awww...thanks so much, Kimberley! :)
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