Giving Tree for their sweet teacher...
All the yummy food...
The moms in the class really came through!!
The children LOVED the Snowmen Pizzas!!
Adorable cake pops!
Christmasy rice krispies treats!!
Have you tried the peppermint mini marshmallows?? Yum!
Something healthy to balance out all the sUGAr!!
Candy Cane Pizza!
The tables in the little pumpkin's classroom are scattered throughout the room and they're different sizes so placemats instead of tablecloths were the perfect solution!
Aren't these fun??!
They are actually activity placemats on the flip side - super fun!
Book Exchange!
Grace was excited to see who would end up with her Llama, Llama Holiday Drama!!
Once all the gift cards were on it, it turned out a little cRaZy but their sweet teacher Ms. V loved it all the same!!
Grace's sweet friend Layla!
Pass the Present!
{20 little treats wrapped in 5 boxes...they took turns unwrapping the layers...when the music stopped whoever was holding the box unwrapped it}
Cutest little reindeer!
Sweet girlies! With her beloved teacher, Ms. V!
Mama's little pumpkin!
Noonie came over after school so we could take the littles on a little adventure to visit Santa one more time...
Hudson's preschool didn't really have a Christmas party (???) but when I asked him if they did anything fun during snacks, he perked right up and said, "We sang happy birthday to Baby Jesus!!!" LOVE!!
Hi, Santa!
No, really Santa, we have been very, very good this year...
And although it was a super late night for us, after the littles were all snuggled up in their jammies, they had a very special delivery...their very own messages from Santa via the Portable North Pole!
What a super fun day!! And is it just me, or does she look all grown up???!! When did that happen??!

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