So after visiting Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcot, we made our way back to the Magic Kingdom...the littles' favorite Disney really is so beautiful at Christmastime!
Hi there, Marie!
So I had this vision in my head of all of us in classic mickey hats, but the littles had a different idea....and yes, they picked out my hat and Lance's ;)
I loved this vintage engine...Hudson was not impressed - boo!
Of course, Grace wanted a turn...
First up...what else...the teacups!!!!!
Waiting to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad...
The little pumpkin is a little daredevil! The faster, the higher, the better!
Hudson was not tall enough, so I sat this one out with him while Lance and Grace rode Splash Mountain...
Hanging super windy!!
Can't believe they had a log all to themselves!! The whole time I just kept praying, please God don't let her fly out...she's light! Hold on to her tight, Lance!!
My very own Huck Finn exploring Tom Sawyer Island...
Waiting in line {probably our longest wait} to ride the Astro Orbiter in Tomorrowland...
Getting siLLier and siLLier by the minute...
Hudson's favorite way to "wait"...
Such a little trooper!
My loves!
Yes, more Dumbo!!
The new Dumbo waiting area {think restaurant pager that beeps when it's your turn to ride} was super fun for the littles and super stressful for the grown-ups! Like crazy-busy-chaos-everywhere-I can't-hardly-keep-up-with-where-my-littles-are-and-I-fear-they-will-be-snatched stressful. I was beyond ready for our pager to go off!
Sooooo excited to finally get a PINK elephant to ride!
And we're off!
And finally, the moment we had been waiting for...makeover day!! Hudson was up first at The Pirate's League...
Picking out his pirate name...turn...
Birthday month...June...check!
Yup, it's official, Benjamin Tackrash it is!!!
Dressed and waiting...
{super cute pirate alert!!}
First up, a tattoo! Probably the only time I've ever been okay with a skull on my little guy...just not a big fan.
Everyone knows pirates have to have at least one black eye...
Add a little scruffy beard and goatee....oh, and a battle wound, of course!
And voila!
Taking the Pirate's Oath...
Eeeeeek! So adorable!!
Getting his sword and taking the pledge of silence before going into the secret room...
Should I or shouldn't I???
No pictures in the secret room............but he did find the lost treasure...
Sworn to secrecy...
The newly initiated Pirate's League...
Cutest {and silliest!} little pirate of the bunch...
Ahoy mateys!
This was so much fun!!
Hudson - I mean Benjamin Tackrash - I hope you loved it!!
Next up...Princess Grace!

Love, love, LOVE this tough( but sweet) pirate. The picture after he comes out of the secret treasure room and the last picture of this post are worth of framing. What special memories to be treasured!
Love, Noonie
He had so much fun!! We did too watching him transform into the cutest little pirate!! :)
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