My sweet friend Heather surprised us with a box full o' goodies! The little pumpkin got to open the box just before bedtime...she wasn't excited or anything *wink*. Heather, she absolutely LOVED all the Lalaloopsy outfits!! And the clippie is adorable! Thank you!
And I might have shrieked out loud when I saw these cute chenille chicks sitting atop the sweetest tea towel!!! Heather and I share a love for chenille chicks so I had to laugh at her note that said *I* could decide whether to share them with the littles or keep them for myself. Hmmmmm...I plead the 5th!
The little pumpkin was mesmerized with the itty bittiness of this adorable mushroom dress and insisted on changing her Lala doll before going to school...
Off topic, but doesn't she just look so tall and slender in this picture??? Like all the baby fat is gone :( I'm not sure if I like this whole "almost six" business...
Hudson was already asleep when Grace opened the box last night so he opened his surprise this morning...{this is his I-don't-want-to-stop-and-take-a-picture-I-just-want-to-OPEN-it-already! smile}
Heather does the most fun packaging ever. I love how she mixes ribbons and arranges things just so...all her stuff is always adorable!
Oooh, I love it!
Hmmm...what's this?
And my favorite...Arrrrrrrgh, I can't open it!!?!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Heather!!! Wish I could just reach over and hug your neck!
Today was Hudson's spring picnic at school...
Blueberries, bananas, lemonade, and oh yes, piZZa! Love it!!
It was a gorgeous day and we had such a nice time!!
Love this one of his sweet friend Madeline reaching out to help him up...
Sweet Billy who is Grace's friend Caroline's little his curls!!
Hudson's buddy Tori and another little girl who I don't know too well, but oh my, isn't she just the cutest southern belle wearing her pearls??!! LOVE!
We lost track of him for one second and next thing I know...
Little stinker had climbed up the hill and was having the time of his life rolling down!!
His buddy Asa spotted him and decided to join in the fun!
And down they went...
One time was enough for Asa, but Hudson just kept going and going and going...
His clothes just kept getting dirtier and dirtier, but he was having the time of his life so I just let him go for it...
...and again, and again!
This is probably my favorite picture from the picnic! he he he...
Just before calling it a day, we went to check out all the artwork from his class...
He was so proud to show us his dinosaur, yes water dripping off his chin and all...*wink*
Love all the fun Dr. Seuss inspired art...
One fish, two fish...
...the blue fish ATE the red fish! hahahahaha
{his teacher said she had to fight to keep a straight face when he told her that - oh my!}
PB & J...
And I figured he would be tuckered out as soon as I buckled him in his car seat, but just then Noonie called to invite him to lunch at IHOP and he said "IHOP? Oh yes! I have room for smiley pancakes!" Gotta love him!
A couple of more birthday projects checked off the list thanks to Noonie's help!
{the flower pillow; other one is from etsy}
Fun flowers!!
{I made all of them except the crochet one}
We wrapped up our day by attending the Faculty Play at Grace's school... SO.MUCH.FUN!! This week is flying by!

Oh, I love seeing pics of the littles opening their goodies - so happy they loved them!
I've had to "share" my chenille chicks with the kids - I should have bought more!!!!
Thanks for your sweet words - I am so happy that we are friends and I hope that we can meet in person one day! xoxo
Do you have a tutorial somewhere for that burlap flower?
Wow! You have such sweet friends!:) I was browsing your previous Easter posts last night looking for Easter ideas (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery;))and I noticed how much Grace has changed in a year. She's a little lady now. It always pulls at my heart strings when I look at pictures of my littles, even from just a few months earlier. They grow so quickly:( I'm just glad to be their Momma:)
Oh my all kinds of cutness in this post! Love the cute chenille chicks!
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