Right after I hurt my back we had VBS and I was one of the two leaders for First Grade, so no way was I going to skip out on it! I LOVE VBS and we had the BEST group of first graders!! I'm so excited that lots of these same littles will be in our Sunday School class come Fall!
Hudson's first time at VBS! He LOVED it, especially since his friend Maddie from MDO was there!!
They made cards for the troops overseas...love the one Grace made!
I bought this adorable Tilly Top from {Ollie & Mae} as part of their Tornado Relief project back at the beginning of June and when it came in it was love at first sight! Love, love, love! I'm *slightly* pocket-obsessed so I talked Noonie into adding this sweet little pocket for me! :))
The cutest little twins around celebrated their first birthday! They had the sweetest "Two by Two" Noah's Ark birthday party. We loved celebrating with them!! Happy, Happy Birthday Anna & Ava!
We gave them these cuddly ladybug pillows and I think they really liked them!
The little pumpkin had her school's summer camp. This year's theme was Safari. This was Day 1...
Day 2: Duck Dynasty Day...wear your camo!
This was as much camo as this girly girl would go for and she only agreed because it was a skirt. And yes, we had to buy this skirt at Target because we don't own any camo!
Day 3: Superhero Day! Enough said.
Day 4: Hunt down your favorite holiday! She went as the "First Day of Spring Fairy" who likes to moonlight as the "St. Patrick's Day Fairy" {read: we recycled last year's halloween costume...I had to come up with something!!}
Day 5 was Spirit Day and they wore their camp t-shirts. I forgot to take a pic! :(
I had to sit through a torture of a technical class for work...8 hrs. of pure misery. I was so grumpy when I left there, but when I got home, this greeted me:
She prepared a little picnic for me, to help me feel better. She is SO my daughter!! :)
This little fella had his 4 y/o immunizations this past Friday. He was SO BRAVE! We had a little Mama-Hudson lunch date afterward to celebrate.
As soon as we got in the car he crashed! Bless his little heart! But tired or not, he was still clinging to his reward. That $10 Lego worked like a charm!!
We have been doing LOTS of baking! A little someone looooooves being my assistant! he he he
This little one has had a runny nose all week. Such a blessing to have a pediatrician grandma who can make house calls! Hudson always insists on checking Noonie after she checks him...
We have been missing our school friends! It's been nice to catch up a bit here and there with playdates!
We spent the better part of Saturday cleaning and sprucing up around the house {read: Lance and I cleaned while trying to stay one step ahead of the little tornadoes...I'm sure you can relate!} I changed up things a bit in Grace's room {my baby is growing up *boo hoo*} but one thing remained the same...this sweet, sweet, sweet picture of my grandma Tata meeting Grace for the first time!
Last minute sewing!! THanK yOU, Noonie!!
We leave for Disney in TWO days and the littles DON'T KNOW!! I have to go for work and Noonie is coming with me so I can take Grace & Hudson. We're staying several days longer and turning it into our annual {Mother-Daughter-Grands Trip}. They are going to be soooo excited!!! Love these two!
Happy Sunday!

You're going back to Disney?! So excited for you guys. How long will you be this time? I cannot wait for the Littles' reaction :-) I live in central Florida [and am a huge Disney fan, go to the parks etc] and I thought in November I might see you guys around. hehehe I promise I will say hi if I see you - and am looking forward to your posts when you return. Have a fabulous time !!!
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