Showing us her spot and her writing journal...
Best friends!
Showing us some of the programs they work with...
Hanging out with sweet friends from last year! They are in different classes this year - boo!
The little pumpkin started taking private art lessons this year and she is LOVING it!! Her first lesson fell on the weekend I was in Dallas with my girlfriends so Lance took her and he sent me this pic of her work-in-progress so I could see what she had been working on. LOVE! So proud of you, Grace! Always, always follow your dreams!
She takes after her mama with her love of shoes!
Spirit Night!
So fun to see so many of our friends at a local pizzeria having a great time, eating delicious food, and raising some $$$ for our school!
The little pumpkin is all about dance these days. She's still taking ballet/tap/jazz but this year she decided she wanted to add another class...HIP HOP!
Her bff Savannah is also in the class and they are a hoot to watch!!
I have been having a lot of fun putting together the littles' lunches this year. LOVE the planet box lunch box that Grace is using this year and next year I'll be switching Hudson to a planet box as well (it's a bit heavier to carry, so we're waiting until he starts kindie)...
And I big puffy heart LOVE that she still wants me to come eat with her at lunchtime! Love our special school lunch dates! Such a special treat {for me!}...
Grace's school incorporates art across the curriculum {visual arts, performing arts, etc.}. Her class had been learning about germs and they wrote a song about it. Their fabulous music teacher put the song to music and they filmed it live on their school's tv station, then went to the kindergarten hall and performed the song for all of the kindies. This was the morning of her singing debut...a little bit nervous, a LOT excited!
Sadly, her beloved music teacher, Mr. B, passed away unexpectedly this past week. To say we have felt the loss is such an understatement. He was an amazing teacher and a beautiful human being. He loved music and he loved his students. He inspired little ones with his love for music and they LOVED his class. Rest in peace, Mr. may be gone, but you will never be forgotten!
I love that along with a very challenging academic curriculum, Grace's school places emphasis on creativity and performing arts. She had a lot of fun with this assignment...
I love that in the midst of all this growing up, she still requests family movie night and gets so excited when we agree to have one on the weekends. Anything to keep them little as long as we can.
My dear Grace,
You are growing so much and having a blast doing it! I love seeing the person you are becoming with each new stage you encounter. Your tender, kind heart is still one of my favorite things about you...I hope that is a trait you will keep for life. Daddy and I are so very proud of you and we will ALWAYS be here for you.

I loved seeing all the things Grace are working on in school. I am a third grade teacher and she writes better than a lot of my kids... by a long shot! :)
Aww...thanks, Kristin!
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