The little pumpkin and I went to a piano recital today to see one of her classmates and we were pleasantly surprised when another classmate was performing too - fun!
Grace was sooooo excited! She was like a little jack-in-the-box popping out with energy at random intervals. And then she spotted her teacher and oh my, celebrity status! I have to say, there is something so very sweet about a teacher who will take time during her precious few days off to go see her students participate in extracurricular activities.
More sweetness! These two pics were taken a couple of weeks ago when our friend Caroline was in a local production. She did so well! We loved coming to see her! These three little girls have been friends since preschool - so sweet to see them so excited for each other!
Our sweet principal and some of our wonderful teachers. Love, love, love that they all support our littles in all of their activities!
Oh my. No words. These might be the death of my willpower.
We made a stop by Barnes & Noble after the recital today and I got this! LOVE!
{bad phone pic, GREAT book!}
I had to give a presentation for work in a nearby town yesterday and Lance took the opportunity while we were there to take the littles to a fun festival they were having. They had a blast! And all I can say is I'm *slightly* obsessed with nutcrackers this year - ha!
Case in point...
{outfits for Santa pics coming up - can't wait!}
And a couple of recent orders that I forgot to share...
One of my favorites from our recent photoshoot with my friend DeAnn. I was playing with Hudson while DeAnn was taking Grace's picture. I told him I thought I'd spotted a little blue Smurf under the clovers! He told me he saw it too {love him!}!! He was trying to convince Grace that yes, indeed, the Smurfs were hiding in that spot. Oh, to be a little child again!
Love this time of the year. Have a great week!

Oh Jessica i love love LOVE Matilda's hat! it is just fantastic and i can't wait for it to arrive :) can i ask where Grace's dress is from? the one she wore to Caroline's production? its so beautiful. lots of love Fauvette xx
where do you get Grace's dresses from?
Fauvette~The dress is by Smocked Auctions on facebook!
Angie~A lot of her clothes are Matilda Jane! :)
Thanks Jessica, Matilda's hat arrived this morning and i am totally in love! Thank you so much xxx
I'm so happy that you love it, Fauvette!! :)
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