I can't believe this little one is almost S E V E N!!!
She is full of joy and introspection. Perfect parts kind heart + girly girl. Goes out of her way to make others feel welcome. Loves Jesus and says the sweetest little prayers. She's sensitive, yet strong...a leader who wants to make sure everyone is doing okay. Likes art, dance, crafts, writing plays and songs, the color pink, glitter, planning parties {go figure!}, the Food Network {Pioneer Woman's #1 fan} and wants to be a baker when she grows up.
What a blessing you've been and continue to be in our lives, Grace! Can't wait to celebrate #7 with you!!
Here are a couple of sneaks into her party...a Girls Only birthday party this time, with just her school friends...she's growing up *sniff, sniff*...
Can you guess her theme??
I'll give you a hint. She selected Tiger Lily as her name. :)
A little dollop of happy...also known as party colors...*wink*
He sure was excited but I think Lance and I were even more excited - ha! We were silly giddy. I was so glad Lance, who had been in Cali all week for work, made it in Friday night so we could go to Hudson's first game as a family.
I have to admit before yesterday I knew very little about soccer. But they play four 6-minute quarters, only 3 players from each team at a time...to give them a little break, I guess. We only have 6 little ones on our team and 3 were sick so Hudson played the entire game. He didn't mind but that sure is a lot of running! They were so cute.
I was a {loud} cheering mama. Just ask Noonie - ha! I sent her a little video and she texted me back "Are you an excited mama or what??!?" I couldn't help myself. I was so excited and proud of all these little players!!
Go, Hudson, Go!
Hudson scored both of our team's goals - yay, Hudson!
Lance did a great job helping to coach our team! All the coaches were so nice. When we had a little one on our team who didn't want to play, the coach for the other team switched his son's jersey to white (our color) so we could have enough players to go ahead and play the game.
We loved watching you play, Hudson!!
And you see all those great photos up there?? ^^^^^^^
Every one except that first one was taken by this cutie patootie budding photographer!!
So he had his own personal cheering squad and paparazzi...what else could a boy want???!? ha!
Oh yeah, Chick-fil-A for the win!
{player's choice}
Can't wait for next week's game, Hudson!
We sure are proud of you!!
Mama, Daddy and Grace
{free printable via here} We had a fun little valentine breakfast to kick things off...
It was a school morning and they had no idea - I love doing stuff like that! I filled the living room with balloons and baked their favorite muffins. Nothing fancy, but those sweet smiles said otherwise!
Love them every chance you get. That's what I strive for. I always remember a sign my mom had on a chinese scroll in her bedroom when I was a teenager. It read "Love is a verb". I don't think I understood that completely until I was a mom. No matter how hard things get in this whole business of raising little people, I always try to show my littles love. Love in the big things, love in the little things. Love is indeed an action word, not a hallmark card.
Ready to celebrate at school... {Hudson was so proud to wear the shirt I made him - made my mama heart smile...sure made staying up to finish stitching it the night before worth it!}
Passing out valentines...3 and 4 year olds are the cutest when it comes to valentines!!
So excited with his mailbox full of L-O-V-E!
Treat days at school sure are fun!
The little pumpkin's school has grade-level lunches for each grade on one holiday during the year. Valentine's Day was the 1st grade's day and it was so cute!
This card was so sweet!
But having lunch with this little cutie made our day even sweeter!
Grace and Caroline...a fun pair! My, my how they have changed since our old Gymboree days when they were itty bitty!!
And oh my, I was looking through some old pictures and came across this one...
The day after the {Mardi Gras Ball}, we decided to extend our festivities and head to our hometown to spend more time with our friends and enjoy a little carnival. The littles LOVE carnivals! I can't blame them, so do I!!
This little guy has decided that the merry-go-round is okay after all :)))
Always a kind heart, Grace invited a little girl to sit with her so the little girl wouldn't have to sit alone. I hope as she continues to grow and make her way through life, she always remembers that it doesn't take much to make someone's day.
I thought these little ladybugs going around a squatty little mushroom were too cute!
A fun day at the carnival!!
The next day, the little pumpkin and I went to a birthday party for one of her preschool buddies, Bennett. He is homeschooled now and we don't get to see them as often so it was super fun to catch up with his family and some of our other preschool friends.
Sweet girls having a blast!
My prayer is that she will always have sweet, genuine, kind friends. Hudson too!