But not just any old Angry Birds, he wanted the king pig to be front and center, so a custom outfit-pinata-cups-cookies-cake-tattoo later we had enough of the green goofy guy to satisfy the birthday boy!
Here he is waiting ever so patiently for his birthday present from Mama and Daddy...
Close your eyes, here it comes!!
Could it be??????
It's the Ewok Village he's wanted for the past two years!!!! He was sooooo happy!
Ready to go to the party!
We held the party at a local indoor kid's gym which has a super fun party room set up with an attached arcade {with free games - yay!} for just the party guests to use - so nice when you have little bitty guests! Such a neat place and so reasonably priced - love places like that!
The Happy Birthday poster might have been a bit much, but they had it there so we had to roll with it!
Angry Birds E X P L O S I O N!!
Family pic!
{you can tell he was thrilled - ha!}
With Noonie and Papa J!
Climbing monkeys!
I spy Pacman back there - ha!!
A little someone was getting into the game!
All that jumping around made for some hungry tummies!
Sweet friends!
School buddies catching up!
Madeline and Ella Kate...as sweet as they are beautiful!
With cutie patootie Shabella!
Cake time! My friend Alicia made the super fun cake and it was so yummy!!
Can't forget the cookies and ice cream too! Mrs. Amanda always comes through in a big way with her fabulous cookies!
Happy birthday to you....
Make a wish!
These little ice cream cups were my favorite party detail! I've been hoarding these cups I found at Michael's years ago and finally put them to good use. Those little wooden sticks just bring back so many sweet memories from my childhood! Oh, and I went with red for chocolate ice cream and green for vanilla - yum!
Funny red birds!!
Piñata time!
Give it a whack, Preston!
Hit it hard, Julien!
Go Will!!
Grace's turn!
This strong ball player gave it a WHACK and the rest was history!
Way to go, Carson!!
P A N D E M O N I U M!!
Hudson and Lilly are just so sweet...best buddies!!
Thank you, Noonie!!
What a fun day! Thank you for celebrating with us dear friends!!
A little parting gift for all our friends...
I think it's safe to say the birthday boy had a very fun day!!
Happy 5th Birthday, Hudson!!!
Hudson's cute outfit: {babe-a-gogo}
Fun party invitation: {Little Ms Shutterbug}