When I was 9 or 10 my mom had me help her put together a Thanksgiving basket and on Thanksgiving Day we drove to a very poor area where we saw two little boys digging in a dumpster. She called them over and gave them the basket and told them to run home and give it to their mama. I'll never forget their beautiful, beaming smiles. I sure hope these Happy Bins bring smiles to some local families, both to the little ones and to the parents who might not be in a position to spend money on birthday stuff right now.
The littles had fun drawing sweet pictures and we prayed over our baskets for several nights...that they would reach the little boy and little girl that needed the reminder the most...to let them know that God loves them and that they are special and loved and worth celebrating.
Our first two - a girl basket and a boy basket - took flight in their journey of love this morning!! We took them to a local shelter that has a transitional program for families with children. Hudson made sure to tell Ms. Kristy, the Volunteer Coordinator, to give his basket to a BOY - ha! He must have wanted to really make sure since he told her a couple of times!! And seriously, it took all my willpower not to keep that superhero drawing for myself!!! Looooove!
I love that the littles were excited to do this. They're already coming up with new ways to earn money to add things to our next two baskets.
Our love for parties has beautifully collided with our love for others and I couldn't be happier!
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7

Our school does this in lieu of bringing birthday treats (of course most are not as elaborate and creative as yours!). What a blessing to give children a birthday party. Great job Grace & Hudson!
I love this! We have worked hard on helping our children that is is better/ just as rewarding to give that receive.
What a great idea.
Love this!!! You are such an inspirational Momma!!!
We do this monthly and take them to the food pantry, Birthday bags!! I think children can very much identify with not being able to have a Birthday cake. It's the small things we take for granted, yet truly mean the most.
Love, love, love this!!!!
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