I took LOTS of pictures {what else is new} but not as many as {last year}. We left E A R L Y ...as in 4:00 a.m. early. Yup, Lance's idea. You know I'm the one who is not a morning person, so why is he not smiling??!
I have to admit though, when we get there and it's still early in the afternoon, it makes it all worth it. Plus seeing the sunrise sure is a perk!
Getting close...the Mobile Tunnel...honk, honk! Make a wish!
Happy littles!
We stayed in this condo in Seagrove, about a 1/2 mile from Seaside {if you squint, you can see Lance there in the upper right hand side}, where the beach is less crowded and it was the perfect location for just walking out and being right on the beach.
Love being able to spend some time at the beach right away!!
I love seeing the joy on their faces the moment their toes hit the sand!
These smiles make it all worthwhile!
Hard to get a smile from the hubs. He doesn't like pictures. I keep telling him one day he's going to look back and be glad that he was in some of these pictures of the littles growing up. They grow up so fast!
If only they would stay little...
They could have stayed out here all day and night, but we had to make it to the grocery store, so we bribed them with beach time afterward if they hurried!
And it worked - ha!
Run, Forrest, Run!
And then there was the magic of bunk beds! First time for both Grace and Hudson!! Only a couple of major bumps, but they both loved them!
Bright and early the next day...so beautiful!
There's something so magical and peaceful about being out there watching the sun come up and just saying your prayers and just being in awe of all that God has created for us to enjoy.
This hymn kept popping in my head...
The beach is their happy place too.
Grace was all about the boogie board this year...
Hudson loved playing in the sand! We made many, many, MANY sand castles...err, make that sand VOLCANOES!
Where's Lance???? He sure was a great sport letting them bury him!
Grudgingly, we left the beach every day to spend some time out on the town square in the afternoons. But so long as they are exploring, they are happy!
The cottages in Seaside will always have my heart.
Love this little monkey!
My sweet little pumpkin!
Dinner at {Pickle's}...the burgers - YUM! And a little fun while waiting for our dinner!
Duckies! Always a favorite with the littles!
Hudson picked out...what else...a VOLCANO MAKING KIT!!! He is all about sharks and volcanoes right now - love him!
Sun-kissed cuties!
Loooooooove the beach!
More pics soon!

More oh more; pretty please! We have already started planning our next trip for next summer! Fingers triple crossed we would be there at the same time.
Now THAT would be a blast!!!!
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