I love the changing seasons.
We don't always get big drastic changes in the South, but the week of Thanksgiving, we had some GORGEOUS days!
While we were getting our carpet replaced, we had to stay out of the way for an entire day. We ran errands, ate lunch, did everything we needed to do, and we STILL had time to on our hands. So we made a random stop and it ended up being our favorite stop of the day!!
These two littles. My heart. I feel so blessed to be their mama. Beyond blessed!
Goodbye November...hello Christmas season!
Little snippets I want to remember this month...
Thanksgiving {2014}
From this...
to this in no time flat!
But such a nice time with both my in-laws the Saturday before Thanksgiving and with Noonie and Papa J Thanksgiving Day. Love our family!
Grandparents Day at School
I told the littles to count their blessings because having 4 grandparents (3 who had to take off work to be there) come to Grandparents Day is super special and not to be taken for granted for a second!!
Native Americans Unit
Speaking of school...Little Dancing Fox is as cute as can be! There's something magical about kindergarten year!!
Gobble, Gobble
Our November family project from school was to disguise Tom Turkey...
Hudson picked Santa! And I think he turned out so cute!
Grace's home project was to create a landform. She chose a waterfall. We went on a scavenger hunt all over our house to find materials to use. I love the cheerleading pom pom as water - so creative!! Hudson even let us borrow some of his dinosaur pack rocks and palm trees! Fun Fun!!
Makers Fair
The little pumpkin and I escaped one morning and ventured to a fun little makers fair where we found all sorts of fun treasures!
I love, love, love my necklace by Jill Makes!! And we even got matching studs {different vendor - can't remember the name - boo!}. Grace requested we match and I couldn't turn her down!!
We wrapped up a super fun soccer season with Hudson scoring a goal the last game {yeah, Hudson!!} and a fun little party at Chuck E. Cheese. Gooooo, Cheetahs!
Book Fairs + Wiggly Teeth
Between grandparents day being held during the book fair and individual class visits, the littles racked up on books! But the biggest discovery was that Hudson has a WIGGLY TOOTH!!! Oh my, how is this even possible??! Won't be long before the Tooth Fairy is paying HIM a visit!!
Home Sweet Home
We replaced the carpet in all 3 bedrooms - hooray!! And in the process, we got rid of LOTS of stuff - woo hoo!!!
Sewing Club
We celebrated another great year of our monthly Sewing Club with a Thanksgiving FEAST! These beautiful ladies are such a blessing in my life! Love you Ashleigh, Emme, Sara, Jamie & Lara!!
And I did a little bit of holiday shopping...shoes...and vintage treasures! ha!
I sure wish I would have brought this one home!!
St. Jude
We finished out the month by walking for St. Jude in honor of our sweet friend Leia and our dear Noonie!
Attempt at a family pic - ha!!
November was so good to us!
Can't believe this year is almost over!!
Y'all, I'm just a big kid at heart. I fully recognize it. My heart is happiest when sparkly, glittery confetti is involved. Wellies are the best creation ever. Ice cream is a perfectly acceptable dinner choice. And nothing beats splashing in a big puddle.
I love making the ordinary, EXTRAordinary. I'm not talking "fancy" - just fun. It doesn't take much to make something simple feel special...especially for little ones. Because they matter. Because they're loved. Because they are reason enough.
So this morning, I dragged myself out of bed at my usual 5:30a and while in the shower decided we needed a fun breakfast to get us through the last week of school before Thanksgiving holiday. Because there must be some unwritten rule that makes any school week before a holiday feel like it'll never end. I'm sure my teacher friends are nodding in agreement.
So here's our fun gObbLe woBblE BrEAkfASt because why not.
{of course, it pays to hoard party supplies, because then you can make this happen on a whim}
I decided to channel my adorable instagram friend Summer with these waffle turkeys because she made one for her adorable little boy Maddox and they were just too cute! That and we had all the ingredients *wink*.
Our two little turkeys gobbled it up! Hudson made sure to dress the part too.
#bedhead #beyondadorable
And they're off to school. With big smiles. And that makes my heart smile. BIG.
{and I took this pic on Sunday before church. but they're wearing the same thing today, so let's just go with it.}
Happy 1 week until Gobble, Gobble Day!
{Look for blessings everywhere you turn. They're there. No matter how small. Some days I have to remind myself of this very thing!}
So the 50th day of school {Oct. 27th} has come and gone, but not without some major cuteness!! This little fella melts my heart on a regular basis {he's also the reason my colorist stays in business} but don a little T-birds pleather jacket and chucks and he is out.of.this.world!!!
He plays the part well, don't you think??! Oh my.
Hudson and Caroline...sooooo stinkin' cute!!
Tough Greasers!
Adorable 50s Girls and Pink Ladies!
Hudson's Class! So cute!!
Ready to dance!
Those moves!! I mean seriously!!!
The finale - hahahaha!
Ice cream social!
Seriously. No.more.pictures.
{yeah, right!??! Actually, Noonie was doing the dirty work for me because I was still serving ice cream!! I'm so glad she got all these fun ones!!}
Okay, okay, only one more and only because Caroline is so sweet and pretty.
Hanging out with my buddy, Jayden!!
Soooo happy that Mimi & Noonie were able to come!!
Family pic!
With his amazing teacher, Ms. V! We just loooove her!!
And these Pink Ladies were just too much fun so I had to get a pic of them too!
Such a fun day to be a kindergartener!!!! You looked so cool, Hudson!!
I got chills....they're multiplyin'... and I'm losing control...cause the power you're supplying... it's electrifyin'!