I love making the ordinary, EXTRAordinary. I'm not talking "fancy" - just fun. It doesn't take much to make something simple feel special...especially for little ones. Because they matter. Because they're loved. Because they are reason enough.
So this morning, I dragged myself out of bed at my usual 5:30a and while in the shower decided we needed a fun breakfast to get us through the last week of school before Thanksgiving holiday. Because there must be some unwritten rule that makes any school week before a holiday feel like it'll never end. I'm sure my teacher friends are nodding in agreement.
So here's our fun gObbLe woBblE BrEAkfASt because why not.
{of course, it pays to hoard party supplies, because then you can make this happen on a whim}
I decided to channel my adorable instagram friend Summer with these waffle turkeys because she made one for her adorable little boy Maddox and they were just too cute! That and we had all the ingredients *wink*.
Our two little turkeys gobbled it up! Hudson made sure to dress the part too.
#bedhead #beyondadorable
And they're off to school. With big smiles. And that makes my heart smile. BIG.
{and I took this pic on Sunday before church. but they're wearing the same thing today, so let's just go with it.}
Happy 1 week until Gobble, Gobble Day!
{Look for blessings everywhere you turn. They're there. No matter how small. Some days I have to remind myself of this very thing!}

You have a lovely way of looking at life.I admire that.Stay jolly and bright and remember to cherish every beautiful moment in life and with your kids. Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh so sweet!!!! I LOVE IT! I started a snowflake collection. Of goodies for our first snowday!!!! Eek!
LOVE this idea! I don't see how in the world you pulled it off so quickly, but maybe I can pull something similar off with 2 days notice! haha Love your blog and all of your creative ideas. I look forward to coming back and visiting often! :) Lana
Such a cute idea! You always think of the best ways to celebrate the seasons! Happy Thanksgiving Jessica, I am sending you good wishes and hoping you and all your sweet family have a beautiful time! I love reading your blog - been a while since I visited but I always find my heart uplifted and inspired whenever I do drop by. I just wanted to add that I do love the way your wee ones' schools are so parent inclusive - they have such sweet and creative ideas to encourage learning. It must be so enjoyable and the children I am sure learn more, and better, this way - and so much nicer for the parents. I say this as someone who homeschooled, too! Wishing you all many blessings this season, love Ruby in England xx
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