I fell in love with these cute leather feather necklaces Heather of HeathersHappys makes and decided our teachers needed some for Christmas! So hard to tell with jewelry, but I hope they liked them!! We also got them a little gift card to a favorite deli spot in town. The littles have been blessed with amazing teachers, so I don't think we can ever do enough to let them know how much we appreciate them.
Grace's class had a fun disco-themed Christmas class party since they are, after all, the Disco Kids!! She dressed and acted the part, that's for sure!!
We had yummy treats, all with fun disco names, like Disco Balls (oreo balls), Frosty's Peace Pops (marshmallow pops), Totally Tubular Trail Mix, Far Out Fruit Kabobs, Chips with Awesome Sauce (queso), Disco Dogs, Melted Snow, and the Holly Jolly Hot Cocoa Bar .
My Co-Room Moms Alicia & Meredith did an amazing job!! I was a hot mess going back and forth between two parties since they were both at the same time - boo!
Grace giving Miss D her gift. Miss D has got to be one of the sweetest {and prettiest!} teachers ever!! The kids adore her!
I can't get my Picasa pic collage option to work at the moment, so I can't condense down pics - sorry for so many pics! I know Grace will want to see all of these one day!
This group of kiddos is just so much fun. LOTS of 'personality' in every one of them!!
I missed the best part - the DANCE-OFF!!! But I'm so happy that Meredith & Katie shared pics with me!! I think one of the things I love most about 2nd grade is that they're still little enough to not think these games/activities are dumb and big enough to ham it up and have a blast!
I heard their moves were H I L A R I O U S!!!
Dance-off Winners! Way to go, John & Madison!! We got them $5 gift cards to their favorite stores...a video game place and Barnes & Noble and brought them back the next day. fun, Fun, FUN!!
Such a rad, groovy day with the Disco Kids! Peace out!

1 comment:
That was so groovy!!!
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