Put on your boots, grab some sweet tea and join us out back!
Don't forget your Best in Show ribbon!
The 3 Amigos were so excited for our most important guests to arrive!
First stop...Face Painting!
Let the games begin!
Ring Toss!
Ball Toss!
Step right up and win a goldfish with the Ping Pong Toss!
And my absolute favorite...Donuts on a String!
{Go Savannah Go!}
But the most important part of playing games is, of course, WINNING TICKETS!!
This little fella was very serious about his ticket counting!!
But the all-around favorite station was hands-down the HORSE RIDES!!!
We even squeezed in a Scavenger Hunt!
Teams all ready to go!
If you're going to have a scavenger hunt, you definitely want Preslee on your team! he he he
And speaking of Preslee, her little brother Cash is just about the cutest thing ever!! Those curls!
All those games made everyone THIRSTY!!
The beverage station was quite the hit!
And while all the games were going on, this awesome guy was super busy manning the grill!
{Mimi and Noonie and a bunch of Alicia's friends helped us with the games! Thank you!!}
Burgers and hot dogs, chips and sweets. What more could we ask for!
The tiny blueberry "pie" cupcakes Savannah's mom Alicia made were my favorite! Soooo cute!!
Time for cake...errrr...make that PIE! Chocolate for Grace and Strawberry for Savannah!
Beautiful birthday girls!
Make a wish...or two...or EIGHT!
Time to cash in those tickets for P R I Z E S!!!
{best goody bag idea EVER!!}
Fun times! Love all these kiddos!
Noonie and Papa J sent me this cute pic! I wish I had one with Mimi and Pop too!! It's hard to remember to take all the pics in the midst of the craziness!
Note to self: Take family pic BEFORE everyone is tired at the end of the party!!
But we may have saved the best for last. After our guests left, we realized we forgot all about the Pie Eating Contest!! No worries. Super Dad to the rescue!!
Uh-oh, here comes trouble!!
He really should earn Dad of the Year for this one!! Such a great daddy!
We went youngest to oldest. Hudson was up first...
B A M !
Savannah's turn!
Finally, Grace's turn!
She got him GOOD!
Such a great sport! Best in show indeed!
We looked over and found this one like THIS!! He was LICKING the pie pans! SUCH a sweet tooth...he gets it honest, I tell ya!
And in a split second, with just a bit of encouragement from his big sis, I'm sure...we had THIS!
Monkey see, monkey do - ha!
But LOOK at that smile!!
We hope you girls had the best time ever! We loved planning this fun party for you!!
Love you to pieces my sweet little pumpkin!
And that's a wrap!